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0000GKP t1_jckwa2b wrote

If I can wait another 1.5 years to buy the 16, I obviously don’t need the 15.


fr33ooooo5433 t1_jcky47m wrote

I'm waiting for the iPhone 99 Max Pro Ultra Pro Plus 7700G


unDturd t1_jcl0bsa wrote

I would get whatever comes in titanium. Wish my phone was lighter


Call_of_Queerthulhu t1_jcl0y3i wrote

The 15 will be the one with big changes, the 16 probably will be basically thesame thing like the 13 and 14


corecenite t1_jcl2dvt wrote

I am in dire need of an upgrade from my S10e. I need something that can handle Genshin for the next 5 years or more


rage1026 t1_jcl53ld wrote

I have a 12 Pro but won’t upgrade until it gets USB-C. Since a lot of evidence strongly suggests we’re getting it on 15 then I’ll get the 15 if it is so.


Obi-Lan t1_jclduy7 wrote

I would base it on what actually gets released but I'm more in the market for the 17 or later.


Technical_Heat5215 t1_jcmwr1v wrote

I’m at the 12 right now, so it’s going to be a tough call. Going to need more than USB-C.


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