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xCTG27 t1_jecwlsk wrote

The iPhone 15,16,17, and so forth are going to be the exact same… why rant about it… go to android. 👀💀


RingAltruistic7662 t1_jecxg4c wrote

Lol why do people post stuff like this without any type of explanation? A 14 is not a big iPhone 5. Have you even used one? Way improved camera, screen, processor, performance etc.


RingAltruistic7662 t1_jecyyl4 wrote

Go find an iPhone 5 with the last software update and speed test it against a regular iPhone 14 on the latest software. GIANT difference. There’s no way you could be too busy or even lazy to realize. I had a 5C back in the day and my 14 pro is miles ahead. Just no comparison here.

I’ve seen you mention Elon and a possible “Tesla phone”. I actually welcome that. I like iPhone and iOS but like you stated: it’s just iOS and Android. I’d welcome some new competition. We’ll see


[deleted] OP t1_jeczify wrote

“With the last update” why on earth would I do that? Thats what throttles the device. And I own both. I literally own every iphone sense iphone 4, in the original boxes. They’re all the same thing. Apple is just playing games


RingAltruistic7662 t1_jed0cxk wrote

You mean trading in? Yeah. When you trade in an iPhone you actually get something called…money. Try that with a Pixel or Samsung of the exact same year as an iPhone. On T-Mobile I believe the 2016 iPhone 7 was still worth $400. The 2016 Pixel…probably not $400 lol


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