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zeppovendetta OP t1_je9wc9y wrote

This is really what I was looking for. Could see me moving back to iPhone with the 15, it seems like a bit of a gamechanger which Android is lagging way behind on.


UndertaleShorts t1_jea7o62 wrote

iPhone faceid doesn’t use camera, it uses rays to detect face shape so light doesn’t matter


Captain_Alaska t1_jec9o9s wrote

It does actually matter, just in the opposite way. Since it uses IR it can get overwhelmed when there’s too much IR, which can happen in direct sunlight depending on the angle between the phone and sun.


goroskob t1_jedjr6w wrote

Having glasses on doesn’t help too


Eclipsetube t1_jedkgis wrote

Only sunglasses can be a problem


goroskob t1_jedkslp wrote

Don’t know about sunglasses, but wearing regular glasses I constantly get troubles unlocking the phone with a direct sunlight on my face.


Erakko t1_jee2aiy wrote

I have no problems with glasses and faceid. Both regular glasses and sun glasses work without any problems.


BaseballRemote4603 t1_jeejukj wrote

Yeah same here. I just did the second scan to include the sunglasses and have zero issues with it


Erakko t1_jeeqs4e wrote

Yeah my scan includes the glasses tol


oozingdonut t1_jeamvdn wrote

It’s amazing, I came from a Galaxy s20+ and its a whole new world. Only times it tends to fail is if I’m backlit and sun shines in the lens (easily fixed by blocking the sun with my body or turning) or if I’m wearing sunglasses. It usually doesn’t have a problem with sunglasses, but sometimes it does. You can add a secondary look though, so I could just save one of me with sunglasses and take care of the issue, I’m just lazy and it doesn’t happen frequently enough for me to care lol

It even recognizes my face when it’s inside my motorcycle helmet AND (sometimes) wearing sunglasses. It’s great


bsmithi t1_jeb1c42 wrote

fyi it projects infrared dots on you, that you can’t see, and it can see, even in perfect dark

so long as it can see a decent bit of your face and you look at it (or are wearing a paired watch) it will unlock or authenticate