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Zero-Phucks t1_jctpxe2 wrote

It’s REALLY that good?

I came from an iPhone X straight to a 14 pro a few months ago, and aside from it being slightly quicker loading general day to day stuff it’s pretty much the same if I’m honest.

The camera is no real improvement either as you say. The addition of a wide lens is a bonus, but overall I much preferred the results from my old X’s camera.

But day to day performance is somewhat lacklustre for a flagship phone when compared to a 5/6 year old flagship phone.


memology707 OP t1_jctr10l wrote

I get your point to some extent but for me personally, this has been a MASSIVE performance upgrade for me due to the fact that I’m coming from a 6 year old outdated android device.


Zero-Phucks t1_jctshgv wrote

I see your point there.

What you’re seeing is the difference between Apples current operating system and an Android operating system that was likely only updated a couple of times in your ownership, as they just don’t get the frequency or longevity of updates that Apple give their devices.


Not quite sure why this is getting downvoted, as a 6 year old android device will likely be 3 or four years behind in OS updates due to the nature of android.

Edit 2;

More downvotes, presumably because of the Reddit bandwagon as nobody has countered my comment that android doesn’t support device updates for as long as Apple does.


SynicalCommenter t1_jcw2std wrote

I have nothing of value to add here, but if I learned anything on reddit, it’s that whoever comments to the downvoted one gets a decent amount of upvotes


memology707 OP t1_jcw63rh wrote

Reddit can be a weird place sometimes Xd. Still don’t understand why you’re being downvoted when what you said was true


Electronic_Sorbet200 t1_jcwmb6g wrote

People can downvote or upvote for whatever reason they like and either way it means nothing.


wickerfart t1_jcwt6sx wrote

A lot of people, myself included reflexively down vote anybody complaining about getting meaningless votes on this website, but do go on


Skyhawk172 t1_jcu8042 wrote

I went from a 12 mini to a 14 Pro Max. The standard 12mp images aren’t much better but the 48mp Raw images are amazing. If you have the space for 100MB images try it out.


3dforlife t1_jcuer6r wrote

Indeed. I reckon that people are complaining about the standard photos, but the trick is to shoot at 48MP Proraw and then using a shortcut to convert to HEIF and delete the original. It's not perfect, but the quality is amazing.


Competitive-Growth30 t1_jcvsdfd wrote

I would like a shortcut please!


Trip_Se7ens t1_jcwjm7e wrote

Is it better for amateurs the just want to take a ton of photos for memories? Or should I just stick to whatever the default is?


3dforlife t1_jcxysqs wrote

Considering that the converted photos are 4-6MB in size,and it only requires two or three button presses, I think it's worth it.


Darksol503 t1_jcvjxx3 wrote

I’d be super interested in this process as well!


Korrrrrrl t1_jcvxufu wrote

This year I plan to upgrade to more storage. I love taking them Raw but I always get filled up.


Mafio_plop t1_jcv0les wrote

The exact reason why I want a 15 pro in a mini form factor. I love the raw but hate the weight.


Korrowe t1_jcxmo4l wrote

There is no way you do not notice a performance difference from the X to the 14 Pro, even higher refresh rate, video game performance you probably didn’t do much performance heavy uses if you say you do not see a difference…


Zero-Phucks t1_jcxqr8b wrote

Refresh rate, negligible real world difference on day to day stuff.

Gaming, I can ramp the detail level up to max on COD mobile now, and it takes half the time to load the game from a cold start. On the downside, I’m missing 3D Touch on the 14 pro now, which made aiming far far more intuitive on the X. So more playable in one sense, less in another.

Anything specific you’d like me to compare just for reference, as I still have the X kicking about?

Truth is that YES there are some huge on-paper advancements between the two, and for those users who fall into the niche market that will exploit every detail of those advances then sure, it’ll be a night and day difference.

But how many average users is that gonna affect? Probably very few, and for the rest of us are left feeling a little underwhelmed and disappointed at the results of the supposed camera hardware upgrades that are suffocated by the software processing.

Yes there are work arounds, but surely they shouldn’t be necessary? A simple toggle in the camera settings to deactivate the post processing or enable a ‘natural’ mode would be easy for Apple to add?

On the whole I’m happy with the phone, just underwhelmed by the lack of real world day to day improvements from two flagship phones so many years apart in construction.


darekd003 t1_jcym8tl wrote

I sort of felt like this (coming from an XS). I spent some time running them side by side and really started to notice the difference. I think I glorified the XS in my head. Everything from different apps, streaming live events, brightness outside and videos are definitely not the in the same realm.