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Unfiltered_Rabbit t1_j5iu3gb wrote

Awesome. It truly is the world's biggest 3D Puzzle. Makes my Burj Khalifa puzzle seem tiny, and that thing is huge.


RockyLeal t1_j5k264s wrote

Only it's so very much not the biggest 3D puzzle. The reconstruction of Angkor Wat in Cambodia is orders of magnitude larger and more complex.


ifsck t1_j5nk8om wrote

IIRC there was part of Bayon that had been cataloged and the stones from crumbled sections were marked and laid in adjacent open areas by an archeological team, then the records were lost during the Khmer Rouge regime. When I went in 2009 there were blocks with numbers everywhere but no one knew exactly where they went or how to fit them together again.


405134 t1_j5l7879 wrote

That sounds awesome! I wonder how cheap it would be to build 3D printed tiny houses made of plastic. $500/each ?


gnat_outta_hell t1_j5lahdc wrote

Assuming you could meet building codes, probably closer to a minimum 15k factoring in electrical, HVAC, insulation, and plumbing. That's builder cost, so buyers would be looking at 25-30k purchase price.


panckage t1_j5nckjw wrote

Its not a puzzle. They took it apart. They know how to put it back together!


there_i_seddit t1_j5jyo8f wrote

Digitize it and crowdsource. The internet would have this done in a week


CornusKousa t1_j5ks3cv wrote

This is how they found countless undiscovered henges and iron age forts in England. They lidar scanned the landscape and gave the public access to the files. The power of hundreds of bored turned tenacious pensioners did the rest.


FalseWonder2630 t1_j5l5p2o wrote

Does anyone in the UK have anymore info on this?.. I'd love have a look for myself. Got some spots in Yorkshire in mind...


phoebsmon t1_j5mnyw7 wrote

If you've got a newer Pro model iPhone, a drone and some gaffa tape then you could always DIY it. I guess.


I-Make-Maps91 t1_j5udbbp wrote

That's why I'm so excited about the improvements in AI. We have every increasing wide spectrum imagery and lidar for most of the planet, but trying to find a building in the Amazon is still a needle in a stack of needles. A pattern recognizing AI will be able to blitz through the mountains of data faster than any amount of human processing.


OrangeCosmic t1_j5kjila wrote

I wish I had the disposable income to finance historians with this exact stuff. 15-16th century ships are such a passion of mine it's too bad there's so little physical evidence for how they were made.


freeapple01 t1_j5kyggo wrote

It’s fascinating! What books would you recommend for someone wanting to learn more about the construction of and life on 15-16th century ships?


JegElskerGud t1_j5lfbyu wrote

Would you consider yourself a buff on the subject of said ships?


msixtwofive t1_j5jl1w7 wrote

"that set sail years before columbus!"

Why does this matter lol. If that's some astounding metric then here are a bunch that are much older.


I_AmYourVader t1_j5jm08z wrote

It's just an interesting point of reference, just because there are other ships that old or older doesn't mean it isn't cool


Azudekai t1_j5jypug wrote

Because it's an identifiable one. The same reason things are compared to Olympic swimming pool and football fields.


memtiger t1_j5jyldb wrote

Saying it's older than XXXXX ship doesn't provide a point of context. This was written for a US audience, so using the Columbus landings is a relevant point in time that everyone knows.


one_goggle t1_j5jtrr1 wrote

Yeah archaeologists really shouldn't bother trying to figure things out when there are older examples out there. ^^^/s


musicvideosonfilm t1_j5k3156 wrote

Came to the comments to see this. It makes no sense to refer to the oldest British shipwreck found to date "as years before Columbus." It's just an America thing. CBS knows that is as far back as their viewer base can think. Why would 15th century British shipbuilders, sailors, and merchants care about an Italian explorer who hasn't yet found the thing "no one" knew existed?


Kingcrowing t1_j5k4yfn wrote

How many 15th century British shipbuilders, sailors, and merchants do you think are watching this? My guess is zero.

How many 21st century people who grow up hearing the adage 'In fourteen hundred and ninety-two, Columbus sailed the ocean blue'? My guess is very many.


UNC_Samurai t1_j5kdx15 wrote

> How many 15th century British shipbuilders, sailors, and merchants do you think are watching this? My guess is zero.

Mary Rose collection in shambles


ButtFire21 t1_j5kub36 wrote

It’s just a point of reference dude it’s not a big deal


Bizmatech t1_j5lapb0 wrote

After watching a few more videos on about this boat, I don't think that the "complexity of the puzzle" is actually slowing them down. It's preserving the pieces that takes so long.

Also, here's the source for the 3D models they used. I think.

Check out the video if you want a better look at what the ship was like when it was fully assembled.


MrBleeple t1_j5lfhfb wrote

Pales in complexity and size to Chinese ships centuries older

EDIT: lol mad cause Zheng He's treasure ship dwarfed anything that Europe made despite being 100 years older?
