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emperator_eggman t1_j4dzp1y wrote

Like Mindless Mondays on that sub where it's a weekly or daily thread. I think that will definitely increase this sub's presence and make this sub feel less elitist/gatekeeping.


MeatballDom t1_j4e0t0y wrote

Well we have this Saturday Questions thread

and a Wednesday Bookclub/Sources thread where people can talk about the books they've been reading

We're definitely wanting to do more for the community, but we do need things to be a bit on topic and about history. If you can think of a way we could do a Mindless Monday or whatever that still has a bit of a history theme I'd be more than happy to talk it over with the other mods and see if we can trial something.


emperator_eggman t1_j4e8n18 wrote

Sounds great. There's only so far that you can talk about without having it be a question or something that you read. Although having it just solely be history is a little difficult in my opinion. My best suggestion is to put it a disclaimer that such a thread will only be for "history-related topics" and give people two warnings before banning them from the sub if they don't obey the disclaimer.