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[deleted] t1_j02ecmx wrote



[deleted] t1_j02sxm6 wrote



[deleted] t1_j03kb5m wrote



fArmageddon2 t1_j03gkdg wrote

“To figure out what was buried in the sand, archaeologists dug a hole and looked closer at it.” Genius idea


assholetoall t1_j06rob2 wrote

IT guy checking in. We frequently get asked for a complex technology based solution to a problem that can be easily solved by manual efforts (often it's a management problem).

My guess is that digging a hole is a novel idea because people expect some hi-tech method. Ground penetrating radar, ancient ocean predators with lasers, computer modeling, etc.

Just carefully dig a hole and look with Mark 1 eyeball systems.


Annomaander_Rake t1_j16rpus wrote

We live in a world of technology worship, as I’m sure you know better than I do, being that you are part of IT. So whenever a problem can be solved by something hi tech, I think everyone collectively gets a hard on. Especially news outlets. They love reporting about a hi tech solution to something that could have been solved the old fashioned way.


memberflex t1_j07f5x1 wrote

It seems so obvious now they’ve explained how they did it


Emotional_Dare5743 t1_j02re62 wrote

Florida is festooned with wrecks and buried debris. Many of the folks that lived in Florida during the 1800s and early 1900s built entire houses out of the wreckage of ships and cargo. In the late 1800s the US government even established a series of outposts up the entire East coast of Florida for shipwrecked mariners. They were spaced out in such a way that a sailor wouldn't have to walk more than 5 or 10 miles in any direction without coming to one. The Gulf Stream parallels the East coast of Florida. It was a superhighway of trade during the colonial era and is still a busy body of water.


derpferd t1_j03kcp6 wrote

I appreciate this truly educational post but I especially appreciate the use of the word 'festooned' which is a word that gets tragically little use of late


age_of_bronze t1_j0614pt wrote

I appreciate your correct use of “of late” instead of the criminally over-/mis-used “as of late.”


Miss_Mello t1_j06v6li wrote

We use the term a lot in dentistry. It is the process of sculpting or carving base plate wax to resemble gums on dentures and removable partial dentures. Random fact of the day. :P


FSchmertz t1_j0x5zru wrote

Sounds very similar to what was at the barrier islands of North Carolina. That area is referred to as "The Graveyard of the Atlantic." It's the area that the Labrador Current and the Gulf Current intersect, building up sandbars and such.

Much of the housing (and economy really) originated by materials from the frequent shipwrecks, and they had rescue stations all along the coast with some very brave people who made frequent and extraordinary rescues of ship crews.


WilliamWhit t1_j029xbz wrote

I’m sorry, but expensive or not, we’re not gonna take the chance and look for treasure in the spooky washed up ship?!

That’s just crazy.


Epistatious t1_j02b34e wrote

Looks like its within tide zone? Will be expensive to excavate. Might just be a whaler or fishing boat.


Jebbers199 t1_j05wv2c wrote

Article seems to think it's a cargo ship that was probably carrying fruit from the Caribbean.


Epistatious t1_j07ax27 wrote

Just saying, not every wood boat in the caribbean is laden with gold.


[deleted] t1_j02g62o wrote



C2h6o4Me t1_j0386p0 wrote

That's asinine. I want to believe that you're saying it out of respect for the dead, recognizing that they died there specifically for a reason, etc. But is exhuming bodies that are a few hundred years old for examination, with the unlikely expectation of identification, and (presumably?) later reburial more respectful than than, you know, actually letting them rest in peace? All because of a western concept of what a "proper burial" is defined as?


Pt_Zero t1_j02znmi wrote

But if it’s not a slave ship the crew aren’t worth a proper burial?


arillyis t1_j0315vt wrote

Yup. That's what they said



Pt_Zero t1_j03s98v wrote

Either we’re valuing lives equally or we’re not. If they’re not implying that the slaves bodies are somehow more valuable than the crew of a non-slave ship, it’s a needless and stupid distinction to make. They didn’t explicitly say it, but it’s heavily implied. Otherwise, why make that distinction at all?


ixNet t1_j040sbu wrote

Because slaves didn’t get to decide to be on the boat - they were subjected to the risk of sinking against their will.


Pt_Zero t1_j043vgn wrote

Does it matter in this context? At least you’re willing to admit that in your mind the bodies of slaves are more valuable to you than anyone else. Personally I think they’re all about the same. I think it’s an utterly silly distinction to make especially when we have no clue who any of these people were in life.


ixNet t1_j0456eh wrote

I agree with that and ultimately think bodies should be undisturbed for a plethora of reasons, including contribution to the ecosystems due to tissue decay. I was just pointing out why the contexts of their deaths can be assumed to be even less of their own volition.


OtisTetraxReigns t1_j03zzyo wrote

Are you familiar enough with burial rites of East African cultures of the 18th century to decide what counts as a “proper burial” for those people? Because if not, you’re doing it out of guilt rather than respect for the dead.

Build a memorial, by all means, but leave the bodies alone.


Pt_Zero t1_j043ydz wrote

I think you meant to respond to the person above me…


Princess_Moon_Butt t1_j03aaxb wrote

Slave ship or not, there's a good chance the crew was able to make it off the boat, even if they didn't make it all the way to shore.

But if it was a slave ship, they probably left the "cargo" chained up below deck.


Zberry1985 t1_j02yakw wrote

i'm thinking it's more likely that it was an intentional grounding. everything was probably stripped out and the hull left abandoned.


kloudykat t1_j04ltvs wrote

you sound like Shaggy.

Zoinks Scoob! That's just crazy!


WilliamWhit t1_j05eb0t wrote

Totally grew up on Scooby Doo so that’s amazing 😂


tree-molester t1_j02etmt wrote

I love the woman/girl digging with flip-flops. Serious excavation here. Although I guess they wore slides when building the pyramids.


FapDonkey t1_j03cly2 wrote

Lol. She's a Floridian. Flops are acceptable wear for literally any occasion. Church, even on Easter or Christmas (as a kid, we had a new priest come down from NY one year and try to tell the altar boys that they werent allowed to wear sandals... the Pastor gave him a little talk and explained that he's in Florida now). Weddings. Funerals. Jobsite. Surgical operating room. Meeting with the President. All flops-appropriate. Digging up pirate treasure... on the BEACH?!?!?! I'd be offended if she WASN'T in flops.


ghunt81 t1_j02vtzd wrote

I feel like this happens every time a hurricane hits the east coast of Florida. Hell I remember an old wooden ship being uncovered after one of the hurricanes at a beach near my grandparent's house. Hurricane Andrew maybe?


Centurychip46 t1_j03rxvz wrote

Happened with hurricane Matthew just north of flagler Beach also


JustARegularDeviant t1_j03cqcd wrote

I'm from Daytona Beach! I may actually return to FL to see this thing


Getsor t1_j03mldo wrote

If this was in europe, this ship would probably be still registered and insured.


altctrltim t1_j06akuf wrote

Is it chinese junk?¿


JacobLyon t1_j0744dm wrote

And who says global warming is all bad?!