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Karvier OP t1_izw57y0 wrote

  1. At 4:00 pm on the same day, our army went camping in Gurbon. There was a certain man who came from Hetu Alah, the capital city reported:” we found a Chinese-Mongolian joint force marching from south Donge toward our capital. ”The khan said:” Let sir Hvrhan head there with 1000 troops for now, and my sons shall lead the main force to go fight with them tomorrow. ” The next day, Taiji Amin led another 2000 troops to Donge, while the Khan and crown prince went to Jaxehexen to perform sacrifices to the goddesses, thanking them for helping our army overcome the Chinese. Eight bulls were sacrificed on the battlefield.

The Crown prince then said to the Khan:” I would like to go to gather some intelligence, I will be with my 20 companions and we will disguise ourselves as locals. My father, you can come later after the completion of the ritual.” The khan praised the saying of the Prince, and then the crown prince and prince Manggvltai left the site. Taiji Hong the fourth prince said to the Khan:” I heard my brother has gone away. I'd like to go with him.” The Khan told him:” Your brother went to gather some intelligence, we’ll go meet them together later. ” Taiji Hong then said:” Why would I stay behind if my brother had gone for glory?” So he went away as well. The crown prince left at 1:00 pm on the 3rd day of the month and reached Hetu alah at 5:00 pm on the same day. The ladies and daughters of the Khan gathered around him as soon as he entered the office, they asked him:” Now we heard there is another enemy army targeting the capital, do we have any plans? ” The crown prince said: “we have already annihilated the enemy forces on the western front and we will also handle this other division properly, we just need some time. I will personally lead the army to fight them if my father, the khan, gives out the order.” He then returned and stayed in Datoon waiting for the Khan.

After completing the ritual, the khan led the main army back and reached the capital in 12 hours at 3:00 am. Then in the morning, the crown prince and the second prince led all the armoured troops to go searching for the Chinese force in Donge while the khan himself stayed in the capital with 4000 troops to prevent potential Mongolian raids. The crown prince rode for 3 days, on the fourth day he reached the forest of Gaha, the horse moved slower in these woods. At 9:00 am, they encountered 20k Elite Chinese forces right after they passed Varkash. Seeing the enemy sent less than 10k troops as spearheads, the crown prince went against them. The Chinese were defeated and retreated to Abudala Mountain.

The crown prince planned to lead the force to occupy the peak of Abudala, so our forces would have the high ground. Taiji Hong said:” My brother, as the commander it's better for you to lead the main force, I will go occupy the mountain top then the enemy will be flanked by us.” The crown prince agreed with him and said:” good idea, we will act in this way: I will lead the forces to move to the west while you go charge to the mountaintop with the ring wing. But you have to listen to me, do not charge into enemies by yourself and your companions, you are a general, not a soldier. Okay?” Taiji Hong then charged into the enemies by himself with 30 of his companions to paralyze the foes so they could not fire their guns properly. But these soldiers were very determined and the fourth prince could not defeat them even with the help of the other banners of the ring wing. So the crown prince launched an attack from the west side with the banners of the left wing and the Chinese finally started to retreat toward Varkash while we chased after them.