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candornotsmoke t1_iztrv0l wrote


Skyblacker t1_iztsnu4 wrote

I was speaking from personal experience, but here's an OB's take:


candornotsmoke t1_izttt85 wrote

A blog on web MD is an opinion not a fact. Secondly, you're speaking of anecdotal evidence. One perspective among millions of perspectives on the topic.

That's not statistically significant and, quite frankly, it's disturbing that you think those are valid sources.


Skyblacker t1_iztvwx8 wrote

I guess I just bristle at the phrase "husband stitch" because it's reductive of a biological system that does not get nearly enough attention in medicine. Sex can hurt for five gagillion reasons after childbirth and more doctors need to recognize that, screen for it, and treat it.


jewelmovement t1_izucwcn wrote

Well I’m an OBGYN and I’ve worked in tens of hospitals with hundreds of other obstetric doctors and none of us do it. It’s an urban myth, a bad joke.


onehotdrwife t1_izuzfg8 wrote

Thank you for saying this! Glad to hear it’s not being done. I hope that is reassuring to people reading this and worrying about it.