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Stickfigurewisdom t1_iznykxf wrote

They had something like indoor plumbing in the Indus Valley as well, centuries ago, but it seems like someone somewhere would’ve done something. We hear stories that you could smell London from miles away, and that if you went to the Louvre you ran a risk of stepping in human poo. But people just kept crapping in buckets? Its madness.


iamnotfromthis t1_iznzz4o wrote

This certainly sparked my interest in the subject, I'll search for books about this, a documentary on the history of human waste management would not be pleasant to watch for me at least lol


Stickfigurewisdom t1_izodm0i wrote

Please keep me posted on what you learn! I wonder if, when the indoor toilet was finally presented, everyone said something like, “why would I buy that when I have a perfectly good bucket that my dad and grandad used!” 😂🤣