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Scarlett_Blaze t1_izqwtq4 wrote

Pharos were not white btw like in the photos here... they were black africans..


Dukesphone t1_izrcne2 wrote

The Ptolemaic Dynasty (Cleopatra) were Macedonian Greeks


Gimpknee t1_izrkf9p wrote

The last native Pharaoh was Nectanebo II, overthrown by about 343-341 BCE as a result of the Persian conquest, the King of Persia would then be crowned Pharaoh until Alexander conquered Egypt from the Persians in 332 BCE. Alexander died in 323 BCE and, following the wars of his successors, Ptolemy, a Macedonian Greek general, took over Egypt and created an ethnically Greek ruling dynasty that ended in 30 BCE with the death of Cleopatra. Egypt was then incorporated into the Roman Empire, and Emperors were seen as Pharaohs until Daza died in 313 CE.


Apprehensive_World10 t1_izrqfx3 wrote

They were not black africans, apart from the 25th dinasty, the nubian one, that didn't last long. Otherwise pharaos were like we can see today from the mummies, pictures on the ancient walls and statues


FoolInTheDesert t1_izv2rwq wrote

Most of the Pharos looked like the Eqyptian Copts of today,. These people are not Arabs and they are not black, they are not white either if that needed to be said lol. These people are the direct descendants of ancient Egyptian ruling class and the dominant culture during the dynastic and old kingdom periods. Today Egypt has more sub-saharan and north African DNA circulating than they did 2000 years ago when Cleopatra was around and more than they did 4000 or 5000 years ago during the dynastic and old kingdom.