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ConsitutionalHistory t1_iz6r2b4 wrote

It's worth noting that most contemporary religions, to include Christianity, promise 'heaven' after death. Almost all really old religions were based on a pray to the gods for rain, for sunshine, etc. People would 'fall away' from those gods during times of famine, drought, etc. But by post-poning personal fulfillment until after death, Christianity assured itself of things to come in the after life.


hotandgoner t1_iz8scsc wrote

as the philosopher nietzsche says, religion was created in order to justify the suffering that so many people had to endure for seemingly no reason. a promise of an after life that would reward them for the pain and suffering they had to deal with on this earth was usually enough motivation to keep slaves and peasants/ poorer class citizens working and keeping the world function. just food for thought i guess