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phasefournow t1_ixp0okp wrote

I know historians say most of the archived and untranslated or un-decoded documents sitting in museum and university storage rooms are dull invoices, agricultural and trade documents but no doubt there are also many gems such as this, just waiting to be revealed someday by a tenacious researcher willing to do the work needed to uncover the contents.


mastovacek t1_ixpexzo wrote

> dull invoices, agricultural and trade documents

Those I would personally like even more! They would allow for a better picture of the economic reality of the time and serve to inform on the impacts of various events.


lukasx98 t1_ixqpfp4 wrote

Definitely, the state of trade and agriculture could make or break a war or an alliance for example. I could see it giving valuable context to decisions made by rulers during the time the document was written.


StingerAE t1_ixpy5og wrote

Invoices might be untranslated but unlikely to have been in code. Maybe shorthand.