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senorhung1 t1_ix6y2l8 wrote

How is this a takedown? He says at the beginning that he is not debunking hancock, And that its up to hancock to prove his ideas.... ok just like everything else in history is fact? Please, thats like starting on the other side of every arguement. Unless whats history is fact(somehow)..then what tf am i proving?


MeatballDom OP t1_ix6ypnw wrote

You misunderstood him. He's saying he's not out to disprove Hancock because Hancock hasn't proved anything, you can't disprove evidence which isn't there. E.g. prove to me that unicorns never existed.

Instead, what he's done is gone through and discussed what's wrong with the logic that Hancock is using to come to his conclusions. i.e. here's what science have found, and none of it points to unicorns. When you thought A, you were forgetting B. When you said C, you were ignoring D.

It's a rational way to approach an irrational argument.