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jezreelite t1_iu9t5ds wrote

  • Carlo III, Duke of Parma — Stabbed to death by two unknown men while taking a walk.
  • Juan Prim, Prime Minister of Spain — Shot by unknown persons while leaving the Cortes.
  • Aleksandr II of Russia — Blown to pieces by a bomb by members of the populist revolutionary group, Narodnaya Volya.
  • Sadi Carnot, President of France — Stabbed to death by an anarchist.
  • Antonio Cánovas del Castillo, Prime Minister of Spain — Shot by an anarchist.
  • Umberto I of Italy — Shot by an anarchist.
  • Empress Elisabeth of Austria — Aunt by marriage of the famous Franz Ferdinand; stabbed by an anarchist.
  • Grand Duke Sergei Aleksandrovich of Russia — Blown to pieces by Socialist Revolutionaries.
  • Carlos I of Portugal and Luís Filipe, Prince Royal of Portugal — Shot by republicans.
  • Pyotr Stolypin, Prime Minister of Russia — Shot by a socialist revolutionary, though since the assassin was also an informant for the Okhrana, it's possible that there was a conspiracy afoot.
  • Georgios I of Greece — Shot by a man with unclear motivations.
  • Eduardo Dato, Prime Minister of Spain — Shot by Catalan anarchists.
  • Symon Petliura — Shot by a Jewish poet who blamed him for pogroms during the Russian Civil War.
  • Sergei Kirov — Member of the Politburo. Shot by a disgruntled loner with delusions of grandeur, though he was later made to have been acting on the orders of former rivals of Stalin.
  • Reinhard Heydrich — Blown up by the Czechoslovak Resistance.
  • Ion Gheorghe Duca, Prime Minister of Romania — Shot by three members of the Iron Guard for trying to suppress the movement.
  • Louis Mountbatten, 1st Earl Mountbatten of Burma — Killed by a bomb planted on his fishing boat by members of the IRA.