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Tokishi7 t1_itfn0c4 wrote

I’m mostly just talking about how korean history is just how can we screw over the nation to put our family into power only for another family to do the same a few years later. Despite Joseph’s length, I would go to say that pre Joseon was much more successful. Koreans really don’t like it when you point out one of the reasons that japan walked in so easily in the late 1800s as well.


Algaean t1_itfnowo wrote

If it makes you feel better, Hungarian history is one long "how can i cut off my nose to spite your face" episode.

Seriously, the national sport of national government is how to shoot the nation in the foot.


Tokishi7 t1_itfnzv1 wrote

It’s just disappointing in Korea’s case and rather ironic with the nationalism here. Living here feels like we haven’t come much further since


DiploJ t1_iti9kft wrote

Ancient Korea had so much potential, but internal political jousts and extreme lusts for power was their bane, especially in the Joseon era. Instability was why they couldn't be any greater.


daemonshrike t1_itjome1 wrote

What kind of potential do you mean?


DiploJ t1_itjpew1 wrote

They had what it takes to become a military and political powerhouse but didn't apply themselves. They were vassals of others for so long.


Tokishi7 t1_itiuxf4 wrote

Can’t say we’ve come much further living here…It’s rather cut throat these days as well unfortunately


dually t1_itj8uqr wrote

Nationalism is the enlightened idea that nation-states are preferable to feudal heirarchies and dynastic empires.