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RenegadeMoose t1_it556r2 wrote

That's an interesting point. One could argue the Trojans weren't actually Greeks, but then other says there are Trojan names in the Illiad that translate to Greek ( leading some to speculate that the citizens of Troy were a mix of Trojans and Greeks when the siege was happening ).

Others dispute the story altogether.

But there is that "Etruscan" linguistic angle ( that Etruscan doesn't fit with other local languages back then, lending weight to the idea they came from Troy ).

I once wondered where the word Etruscan came from and if it was some kind of form of "ex-trojan"? (e-troyscan ? I dunno). We'll never know for sure, but all that bronze-age stuff (like, 1000-1600BCE or so? ) is just great fun to speculate on :D