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Ferengi_Earwax t1_it4frm7 wrote

That's a good point. After the end of the crisis of the third century, diocletian began the dominate. It's usually marked 284 ad as the starting point. Diocletion declared alot of laws that weren't common to the west. Such as having people kneel and bow before him. He also decreed price ceilings on a variety of goods and that sons would inherit their own fathers job. They would need special permission to move. This is the first steps to feudalism, so I'm glad you mentioned it.


MarcusXL t1_it4h80x wrote

It was fresh in my mind. I just had my laptop repaired so instead of doom-scrolling I read some of the books on my shelf, and one of them being Trever's "History of Ancient Civilization Vol. II: The Roman World," which covers this fairly extensively.