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Tiny-Bus-3820 t1_j9o1x0l wrote

Sounds like the paper your writing will be very interesting. You might be interested in looking at the writings of M James Penton. He is a former Jehovah’s Witness who discusses a lot about the history of millennialism and how it influenced the Jehovah’s Witnesses. His work Apocalypse Delayed, although older, is very good. In it, he recounts the influence that millennialists like Nelson Barbour had on Charles Taze Russell and his Bible Students movement. A schism occurred within the group with a portion becoming the Jehovah’s Witnesses in 1931. You can also search James Penton on Youtube. I’ve seen several interviews featuring him on there. Good luck with your paper!!🍀🍀


Mindy827 t1_j9o2ytw wrote

Thanks so much!! I'll absolutely check him out. I need to narrow down a bit so I'll take any and all info I can gwt!!


Tiny-Bus-3820 t1_j9o3ki8 wrote

I think that narrowing the topic to the examination of two movements the Seventh Day Adventists and Jehovah’s Witnesses might be beneficial. Then it could be argued that the real significance of nineteenth century millennialism lies in its continuing influence on contemporary religious culture and movements. Just a suggestion.


Mindy827 t1_j9oazay wrote

I was leaning toward millennialism and reform, but that's an interesting direction too. I have some workshop time, so I'll try a few things to see what sources are like. Thanks again!!