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Masterzjg t1_j7mrr1v wrote

It was the first war to allow for mass destruction via air power - hindsight 20/20 on what was a "bad" idea and what was a "good" idea.


MrMoogyMan t1_j7mtdh9 wrote

Some maxims military strategic theory transcend accessible technologies, and the fact that Hitler (thankfully) sucked at military strategy was no secret to his own high command. There's no hindsight to be had here when his own contemporaries saw the looming failure of his military operations.


Masterzjg t1_j7mtzwo wrote

>There's no hindsight to be had here when his own contemporaries saw the looming failure of his military operations.

Except the Allies also debated whether strategic bombing worked. So yes, you're defining hindsight bias.

As for "the generals", of course they blamed Hitler for any mistakes. What are they going to do, blame themselves? Lol.


MrMoogyMan t1_j7mwdz4 wrote

Are u here to have a productive and informed conversation or can I just block u now?