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faustsofar t1_j6b0045 wrote

The best feeling in the world (unless they fucking crank the volume up to the max on high gain)


radrod69 OP t1_j6b1412 wrote

Oh God, I totally forgot about that. He did turn it way up :(


TheFrator t1_j6b2no3 wrote

Does he have the ears that were promised? Ears able to withstand the beyer treble spike at over 100 dB...


radrod69 OP t1_j6b8oyd wrote

Ehrm, he probably just needs a professional cleaning haha.


[deleted] t1_j6ch8xq wrote

I had a friend come over who thinks the airpod max is the very best of sound quality. Made him listen to my focal clears. He tried to max out the volume straight away so it would start clipping and I've never felt such fear in my life


Astrophan t1_j6d5yn5 wrote

Right? What's the deal with that? 7 people tried my headphones, age around 23 and 45+, and every time they crank up the volume really high. To the point it's absolutely unlistenable to me and I hear everything when they have it on. Why does that happen? Is my hearing that sensitive? They add like 45 dB if I would have to guess, insane.


TheFrator t1_j6d786x wrote

A lot of non-hi fi audio people think the hallmark of a good system is how loud it can get. It's the same with stereos. And psychologically, louder things sound better (up to a point obviously).


dib1999 t1_j6etxki wrote

I like to warn people "if you touch that dial it will either pop your ears or my headphones, and it better not be my headphones"


ColbyAndrew t1_j6d2tte wrote

Thats my wife. She likes her music like I like my women… Shrill.