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many_hats_on_head OP t1_j5kzz23 wrote

I stumbled upon an article with Bob Ludwig and got curious if anybody tried them and can confirm his claim? Source.


bbuky01 t1_j5lzrpd wrote

I have tried both but sorry not together. I’ve always liked LTA and came close to buying a Microzotl 2 but found a great price on a pair of Abyss AB-1266’s and was pretty sure it wouldn’t be a good fit but pretty sure the Z10E would do just fine. I think the only Estats I’ve heard from it are the DCA Voce and Stax SR-009’s and it was quite good but don’t think it is the best I’ve heard as the Woo 3ES is pretty special but didn’t hear them side by side . The CRBN from the 3ES is very good but the Stax SR-X9000 from the 3ES was amazing. I would also say the 3ES and CRBN was a bit better to me than the CRBN’s from a Blue Hawaii but that is just me.