Submitted by GreatStuffOnly t3_10ernec in headphones

Hey guys, I made a post on the Audeze subreddit but since I frequent here a bit, I just want to share this with you guys as well for a heads up on Audeze's horrid quality control and support. (

Essentially, after a year of light usage, the penrose just, physically broke. No impact damage, just one day the crack appeared and its broken like a stress fracture. A quick google search with the keywords "Penrose broke" or amazon reviews will show that this is such a common issue with many people making posts about it so I'm not the isolated case.

They essentially came back with this is common wear and tear and since its 1 month out of warranty, the best they can offer is a B-stock replacement of the same thing for $115USD. Ask yourselves if you think its a deal paying for the privilege to have the same product which is probably break after a year.

What I'm saying is that, if you are okay with spending money on a company that will leave you dry after just a year on a known issue for a product that's $400USD is acceptable. To be honest, I have never seen such bad quality of a product before so buyers beware.

Here's the imgur link on their response and the pictures of the fracture.



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Me_MeMaestro t1_j4snwdt wrote

Yeah audeze has quite a contrast in build between their lower cost items and the high ones


Amphiscian t1_j4t0u39 wrote

They talked about it a bit in Crinacle's Audeze factory tour. Wasn't surprising that their gaming headphones plus the LCD-1 are made in China, but what did surprise me was the diaphragms are all made in California, even for those


agastyaseth t1_j4usbv3 wrote

Made in China doesn’t mean lower quality. 90% of consumer products are manufactured in China including Apple. Quality is purely commensurate with quality of material, design and manufacturing (including QC). This is purely negligence and a cost cutting measure on Audeze’s part. Lower priced or not, it’s their brand and their product; if they can’t stand behind it, it’s a problem. I won’t trust them with their higher priced stuff either


DasGutYa t1_j4vgmo6 wrote

The biggest issues with these gaming headsets (excluding the gx which is made in U.S hmmmm) are the design of the headband and yokes. Which is why they've changed the layout of the maxwell to hopefully remove these problems.

I would like to point out aswell, that it's hard to find headphones made of plastic that don't break at the yokes or headband for a number of people. Beyers and senns audiophile range basically have the fewest qc issues you'll find but as soon as you look at game or portable gear.

Beyer t51/aventho cups breaking Senn momentum and gaming headphones break as do the wireless portables like 4.40 poor headbands Nth 100 break at yokes Focals headbands break Hifiman.... lol Grados wood break at cups Etc

The only headphones that have very few reports of breaking are suspension strap types, Audeze newer designs, hifiman suspension straps, DCA suspensions straps, philips fidelio etc etc.

There's a fundamental problem with singular headband designs that aren't heavily reinforced with metal ie beyers.

How about we blame the industry as a whole rather than singling out audeze for what is basically par for the course qc with plastic headbands and yokes, might actually influence a bit more change.


eskamobob1 t1_j4w4t8o wrote

Exactly. China means it can be cheaper but China is capable of producing truly top tier quality just like anywhere else. It just costs more to do so just like anywhere else


StarWarder t1_j4tvq9h wrote

It makes sense. Focal is doing the same thing with the Bathys. Everything made in China but the drivers.


Pangolin_Unlucky t1_j4u7dni wrote

Lol, clearly you missed the lcd 5 glued on connector socket debacle


eskamobob1 t1_j4w4nx0 wrote

That was only 2 or 3 units of the first batch out of thousands and they immediately replaced. Tbh I don't give them as much of a hard time for that as I do for what happened in this post


Pangolin_Unlucky t1_j4waduy wrote

2 or 3 units that people posted about. I actually find it way more unacceptable than the post. The fact that it was even a possibility for an eye-watering $4,500 headphone is unacceptable. One of the reason why I’m such a fan of meze is that they treat the build quality of their product above what is expected for their price point. Yeah sound is number one, but it shouldn’t be excuse for cutting corner for build quality, which is also why I will never buy Hifiman again.


eskamobob1 t1_j4xcqsd wrote

Maybe I'm more understanding because I work in manufacturing, but failure is nearly unavoidable, so extremely low rates (fractions of a percent in this case) on the first batch and quick responce means it's not realy worth worrying about imo. It's becomes far different when its something constant on a very mature process such as susvara and nothing seems to have been done imo


icedomin8r t1_j4sn6q9 wrote

And here I thought everyone just shat on HiFiMan.


aless530 t1_j4sprxz wrote

Nah, we like to clown on memeze as well, lol


JProllz t1_j4szpew wrote

Is that Audeze or Meze?


Almost_Ascended t1_j4w9kvy wrote

Eh, I thought Meze was just poor in price to performance ratio? From what I've read their build quality and comfort are top notch. Basically the polar opposite of Hifiman.


GreatStuffOnly OP t1_j4sq9i0 wrote

This is the pair that I'm using when I needed its features (wireless/BT + mic). I don't know if there are any headphones that does that with as close to good quality as this pair. What a shame for the material.


nomadwrangler t1_j4vp18q wrote

Same boat as you. Sad the Maxwells won't be able to do this, and the Penrose has a ticking clocking until it breaks. Mine has held up well for about a year though so I am thankful.


eskamobob1 t1_j4w53o1 wrote

Hifiman has 0 QC but great CS. Abyss and focal have generaly top tier QC but the worst CS I've ever felt with. Ime, only having owned their higher end stuff and being from the US, audeze has the best QC and the best CS I've ever dealt with in audio.


hahaloldam t1_j4tap91 wrote

yes mobius/penrose have garbage build. my replacement mobius literally snapped while it was on my head. Never dropped it, never left my desk, it just snapped while wearing it. LOL

Maybe the maxwell will be better, audeze says it's made of aluminuim in critical parts and it doesn't fold.


metal571 t1_j4toimn wrote

I hope Maxwell is indeed better. I thought my Mobius was never gonna break after it lasted over 3 years but found a crack in a side of the headband the other week finally so that is just a straight up design problem


oballzo t1_j4tdd16 wrote

Audeze seems to offer minimal support for their lower line products and great support for their main line and up. Guess you have to buy an LCD2 or better for them to care about you.

I know they overseas more of their production for these lower line products compared to their LCD line. I wonder if that includes support too?


Beedle-Juice t1_j4v7iux wrote

It's LCDX or better now. I had a GX years ago and wondered if I could get a FR sheet for it. Wasn't super hopeful but hey its like a $900 headphone so who knows? Audeze basically told me to pound sand and that they only offer them "above the LCD2 line" currently which Is a round about way of saying only the X and up gets them.


glockout40 t1_j4tws0p wrote

Kinda good to hear? I was just getting ready to buy the LCD-X and didn’t know they were garbage lol


oballzo t1_j4v3g1a wrote

I have LCD - X and love them! Haven't had any problems with them at all and I trust Audeze to take care of anything I do have issues with. They are tanks for sure unlike the plastic of the Penrose


halpnousernames t1_j4v2v4b wrote

I've been daily driving mine for a couple of years. (12 hours a day)

I've replaced the pads once, but otherwise still as solid as they were day one.


SteakTree t1_j4t3lem wrote

I had one of the early versions of the LCD-2 (a rev 1). One of the best headphones I've ever heard, not because of its accuracy but it had that boutique touch in it design and sound. I bought it used, and the wood was cracking. I used special filler to fix it, but I always was a bit careful with the headphone as it had loose connectors because of this. I knew it was fragile, even though parts of it were built like a tank.

I think if you are paying under 1k CAD for a headphone of this type, it is reasonable given they are a small manufacturer. There are going to be problems, but from most accounts Audeze has done their best to remedy these. You aren't hearing the degree of issues that you do with Hifiman (though I still recommend that at the price of Sundara they are worth it but I might not spend higher on the stuff).

Luxury brands like Focal, had a few teething issues with the Utopia. They extended their warranty, and they have come into their own and have put a serious effort into their luxury high-end headphones.

My personal choice and I think a lot of the community will agree is Sennheiser for quality. Sony also is capable in the QXC department but have very different tuning than Sennheiser.

We just need Sennheiser to give us an affordable electrostat or planar!


StarWarder t1_j4tw5jn wrote

Focal replaced bad Utopia drivers even for second or third owners, even out of warranty. You can tell they’re proud of what they do.


Beedle-Juice t1_j4v7orn wrote

It's a shame they can't be bothered to fix the headphones snapping in the exact same place on their $400 and $4000 headphones


SeventyTimes_7 t1_j4wd1ep wrote

Focals snapping?


Beedle-Juice t1_j4xjujl wrote

Almost every Focal I've seen eventually breaks the exact same way. Headband snapping. Doesn't matter if it's a Elear or a Utopia, all have the same issue


SeventyTimes_7 t1_j519aga wrote

I never had issues with my Elears or Elegia but I did have a click on my Elears when the ear cup would move a lot. Snapping seems surprising because they're pretty sturdy headphones.


JustSomeGoon t1_j4tma48 wrote

Would be awesome to see a Sennheiser/Drop collaboration for a good planar


pinkcunt123 t1_j4u0p0q wrote

After what Drop did with the 8xx? Nah fam, I'm good.


JustSomeGoon t1_j4u7zs2 wrote

Ok but the 6xx


SeventyTimes_7 t1_j4wei7r wrote

A blue HD650. Which came out in 2003.


JustSomeGoon t1_j4wg73q wrote

Right, a 650, regarded as one of the best headphones of all time for the money and not out dated by any means. Except they made it more affordable, pretty cool.


seekingadvice432 t1_j4tfkqq wrote

I doubt my Beyerynamic DT 1990 will ever break, but it's nice to know that if it does I can buy any component of it at a reasonable price. I wish more companies would sell parts at no markup


RayzTheRoof t1_j4tl0jm wrote

Doesn't matter how much the product costs relative to their more expensive items; the company should support their customers. That's such a shitty offer and I'd rather just buy a new pair from a different brand.


No_Analysis6187 t1_j4tqek2 wrote

Shame their cheaper stuff has very contrasting quality compared to their full size LCDs it seems.


wxynieu t1_j4twiki wrote

ahhh the Audeze-ty of them and their qc…


TheOddestOfSocks t1_j4ud2dj wrote

I've heard good things about Audeze so I assume they're doing right by some people. However, when I auditioned them, I didn't like their sound (that's just a preference thing). The real kicker to me was the fact that even in some of their high end gear they still have glued pads... That's seriously shows a lack of forethought... Or a distinct anti consumer design. To me that's a big no-no.


TheFrator t1_j4w9tx7 wrote

> That's seriously shows a lack of forethought... Or a distinct anti consumer design.

The pads are still replaceable albeit more of a pain to replace. They even wrote an article explaining why they glue on pads (article) but that doesn't explain why other companies can accomplish non-glued on pads while they can't / won't. Anyway I view it like some speaker manufactures really going on and on about how inert their speaker cabinets are.


TheOddestOfSocks t1_j4wd5on wrote

Yea good point. If it's a deliberate design decision then I certainly don't have enough knowledge to debate that. As you said, I'm just basing my assumption on the competition successfully producing high end headphone with easily replaceable pads. It in itself isn't a major problem, its more what it might say about their processes, business model and/or customer care that concerns me.


TheFrator t1_j4wefrn wrote

> It in itself isn't a major problem, its more what it might say about their processes, business model and/or customer care that concerns me.

Yeah and given OP's experience with one of their inexpensive products it seems like Audeze does more harm than good. Like what if OP gets a higher headphone budget and can afford something like an LCD-X and now they will automatically avoid it. Seems like a quick way to save $100 now but lose more in the future.

Anyway, my experience with Audeze CS has been solid but I'm a degenerate with an astronomically expensive headphone so their more inclined to help me.


eskamobob1 t1_j50r5x2 wrote

I asked them this directly a while back and was told gluing pads actualy has a fair impact on the consistency of their cans. Their drivers rely on air loading significantly more than basicaly anyone else making cans right now, so the gluing makes sure they get consistent loading across production.


TheFrator t1_j51dbgr wrote

Makes sense to me. Less variation means they can focus QA/QC on finer details.

As an Audeze and LCD-5 stan, the glued on pads talking point just gets old. I asked them for a new set of pads for my LCD-5 and they shipped out a pair for free. And they have videos on how to replace it. Just seems like a gripe that gets magnified because they're the only company that does it.


royalblue1982 t1_j4v18qu wrote

The left side of my LCD-1s stopped working less than a year after I bought them. So I sent to off for repair and got a reply saying that they didn't have the part and had no idea when the part would be shipped to them.

I followed up every 4 weeks or so and go the same response - so ended up emailing their main customer support centre. They finally authorised them to send me a refurbished set.

So, the issue was resolved in the end (and my pair had also developed a crack, so it was nice to get a replacement) - just took a bit of hassle.


TakeThatRisk t1_j4v3qg4 wrote

I have had good experience with Audeze customer support.


MOK1N t1_j4u4egw wrote

The reason I went for Moondrop Venus. New headphones so hard to tell its quality in the long run, but I'm *hoping* that it's all aluminum build will mean it lasts me a long time.


Kingstoler t1_j4wevw6 wrote

That sucks. I've only had good experiences. Owned the LCD-X for almost 2 years now with heavy usage and they're still in excellent condition (as should be expected with mostly a metal construction). They also sent me frequency response measurements months after purchase.


GreatStuffOnly OP t1_j4wg6y6 wrote

Man, as others have said, I have no doubt that their higher end headphones are constructed more solidly. But I just needed the feature for this pair. Wireless, mic, with acceptable audio quality. I don’t want to put BT in there since I already know this is the only pair. Don’t know any other pair that does this for any cost.


prema108 t1_j4uenbn wrote

In 2015 I bought a pair or OQAN headphones for monitoring, I know it’s not the same, but it illustrates my point. Paid €40, they broke last week. 8 years of tremendously heavy use, I rolled my chair on that cable dozens if not a hundred times, and it took it like a champ.


thms0 t1_j4uqqyl wrote

Audeze Nutts.


Deep-Function7104 t1_j5485ss wrote

My lcd 2 classics had a problem when I bough them too, they had some kind of junk left in the left ear cup that kept rattling around, but the place where I bought them from resolved it quite well and now they work like magic; a couple months in there are no other problems


Own-Caterpillar-8853 t1_j581xur wrote

I auditioned a pair of the LCD-4Z a few months back and was completely blown away by how bad those headphones are, the audio quality was literally on a par with a pair of Sony ear buds, not to mention wearing them for a few hours would probably give you concussion, not sure how they are managing to sell any units.


f3llyn t1_j4u4kqb wrote

When I first got my LCD-X’s the leather headrest band was too long so it was touching the metal band. Not very comfortable to say the least.

I contacted their support and they basically told me they couldn’t do anything about it. That kind of soured me on Audeze, that they couldn’t replace a simple part on a $1200 headphone. But they’re stills great headphone.

Idk…. u/nooneasked


Qazax1337 t1_j4u7rkt wrote

Have you done the mod where you shorten the leather to fix this?


f3llyn t1_j4u8yth wrote

Funny enough I ended up buying the carbon fiber headband and it had the same issue but yeah I did shorten it up some, seeing as they weren’t willing to work with me on the issue. Even after now giving them $1400.


Qazax1337 t1_j4u9mr6 wrote

I shortened the headband on my LCD 4z and my LCD GX. I know some people take issue with it, and some people think it's a design flaw. It probably is, but it is still more comfortable than the old headband they used. Took me a few mins to mod my headphones and now they are super comfortable so I'm happy.