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Pusfilledonut t1_j6j3aym wrote

I once sat through a blind listening demo with Rupert Neve, arguably the godfather of modern audio, as he demoed cables in a million dollar listening room for industry golden ear types. Now, many of these people had platinum albums and Grammy awards for their work. At some point Rupert revealed some of his speaker cabling as being a hardware store 14 ga. extension cable with the ends lopped off and hardwired. This was chosen as superior sounding by almost 50% of the listening audience.


ZimaEnthusiast t1_j6k2r1c wrote

And the blind have much better hearing too, so they must be right


Flerbenderper t1_j6ka33y wrote

I had my eyes surgically removed in pursuit of becoming the ultimate audiophile


Muttywango t1_j6keefu wrote

I considered this but the head-related transfer function would have been badly affected. I stared at the mid-day sun for half an hour. My eyeballs are intact and the money I saved on surgery was spent on a utility pole outside my house with a dedicated transformer to free myself from tainted current.


Muggaraffin t1_j6p86dz wrote

I love the idea of someone doing that rather than, ya know…..just closing your eyes


kazuviking t1_j6kvmz0 wrote

That test is as legendary as the coathanger one.