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Physx32 t1_j5sopan wrote

Can you explain what you mean by "time delays do not alter frequency domain". A delay in time domain causes a phase shift in frequency domain. So it does alter the Fourier transform.


SoNic67 t1_j5tfktx wrote

Only if you have infinite bandwidth.

limit the Fourier series to just a couple of terms (2-3 harmonics) and you will see that's not at all relevant.


No-Tune-9435 t1_j5t87ir wrote

Sure, but like you said, it’s a phase shift in the frequency domain. It doesn’t alter the magnitude of the FR spectrum, just the imaginary vs real distribution. For the purposes of measuring audio equipment, we can pretty safely ignore that distinction you raise, and it doesn’t negate my point that time and frequency domain are not equivalent in the OP.