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Gamergtx_260 t1_j6dr8ew wrote

Yes definitely. If it can power them well that’s all an amp will do as well. Does this interface also have a dac?


burito23 t1_j6dthsl wrote

If you need to ask then no.


eoz t1_j6duxci wrote

I have a Focusrite Scarlett 2i2 that I use to power some 280 ohm DT880s. Sounds just fine to me -- but I don't have a point of reference to a proper headphone amp.


doho04 t1_j6dxd97 wrote

My motu m4 can easily power my sundaras, when i compare it to my smsl sp200 theres not much of a difference (worse imaging on the smsl but better clarity)


blenescobar t1_j6e28s3 wrote

This is a shitty answer all audio interfaces have a DAC to convert analog to digital for their microphone inputs and most interfaces also have headphone amps. Most of these amps power your headphones just fine altough there are also some that are not very good, there are many very good options you just have to do some research. This however is not general knowledge that every living human has so asking questions about it is very normal.


Toronto-Will t1_j6e59nc wrote

The Scarlett is I think a particular good option for someone who wants a mic interface to double as a hifi headphone interface. Maybe some marketing puffery, but they at least make an effort to market to that demographic, with some specific emphasis on their headphone amp circuitry.

I've had cutting out/crashing issues with a couple of different mic interfaces I've used, which I suspect may be power-related, being limited to USB power. That's namely Rode's mic interface (the AI-1) and the GoXLR mini. The Rode would just switch itself off sometimes when i had my headphones plugged into it, and the GoXLR had maddening issues with intermittent audio dropouts.


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