Submitted by Freestalker_dot_fr t3_10o5ty9 in headphones

Yesterday I was searching something on the web and I found this : You can ignore : Fig. 17: Metal571 MiniDSP EARs FR graph for AKG-K371 (Edit 2 : It's an Audeze headphone)

I let you look at the graphs. The publication compared the measurements of GRAS, Head Accoustics and 5128 HATS. Even with the HMS II from Innerfidelity and Rtings we have different results. The GRAS rigs show variations in measurments. They should be the same as they come from the same standards. You also can't make a compensation from GRAS to 5128. And when you think about headphones unit to unit variations of the same model, it will lead to different results.

Sorry but I think with headphone measurements I begin to have this : The doubt is higher and higher. It's not good.

Edit : Please do not read the text ! Just look at the comparison graphs ! (Edit 2 : I didn't read it because there could be non scientifical aspect on it. Do not see it as manipulation, I just wanted to share the comparisons)



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attlo996 t1_j6cqmzl wrote

Measurement are almost useless to anything above certain quality


kazuviking t1_j6cr5xh wrote

Measurements above 8-9kHz is not accurate and have to be taken with a grain of salt.


pinkcunt123 t1_j6ct14r wrote

Who the heck is Dale Cotton?

Sorry, but I wont bother reading a 20 page document by someone who has no credentials, so I simply skipped to the last page.

Sounds to me, like this guy just wasted an enitre afternoon writing a document only to express that he dislikes the 5128. Not very productive, is it?


pinkcunt123 t1_j6ctxvz wrote

Yea, he overlays BK FR measurements on top of Gras FR measuremenst to prove that they are different?

We all know that... The BK having more accurate measurements is the entire point of its existence!

We also know that the old Harman target is NOT applicable to the new BK 5128 rig.

If you want to learn more, I highly recommend this video by Resolve from the headphone show the subsequent Q&A he did on the topic might also prove useful to further understand what he is talking about :)


PolemiGD t1_j6fdtcr wrote

The graphs are pointless since the models are different and high frequencies are always going to be different(ear to ear) even if the graphs match.


dimesian t1_j6kfkzr wrote

When someone says look at this but, not at this part, it seems like they don't want people to look at something that doesn't support their position, particularly when they say it more than once, it draws attention to it, making it more likely that people will read it and doubt their integrity.


Freestalker_dot_fr OP t1_j6mdkui wrote

I personally didn't take the time to read the text because it didn't look like a scientifical document. No explicite methodology part and so on. The only thing that can't be subject to personal opinion are graphs. About the figure 17, it's not the K371, it's another headphone on the graph.

I had no intentions to support a position. Do you know what cognitive biases are ? I hope yes because I know what they are. I'm not the kind of people that want to manipulate others.