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schmeagles96 t1_j23sa5s wrote

Definitely the headphones, but if you are happy with the X2HRs, then you can rock this setup until something breaks. I recently upgraded from the X2HRs to the LCD X 2021s while it was heavily discounted during Black Friday, but I think I made that decision more because I felt a "need" to buy something new rather than feeling like the X2HRs weren't getting the job done.


StrategicPotato t1_j24ccbc wrote

Outside of the cup hinges are the X2's honestly even capable of breaking? Those things are built like military grade machinery compared to most headphones lol


thejewk t1_j253f70 wrote

I've been using my X2HRs for years now, and the only noticeable difference is the pad depth. Love them.


I-live t1_j25bygj wrote

Military grade isn't necessarily a good thing but these headphones look sturdy 👌