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doms227 t1_j1piwxv wrote

I have experience with some similar headphones / IEMs. Namely Anandas and Moondrop Variations (also Focal Clear Pros).

The Variations absolutely shit on the Anandas (and Clears) for detail / critical listening.

That said, the Anandas add a great sense of openness, that I'm somewhere in the middle of a big world.

My overall take would be to expect it to be a different experience, rather than inherently a better all-round experience. Definitely worthwhile to have the different setup (it's also good to be able to hear when my partner is calling for me to come deal with a spider, etc.).

I ran the Anadas and Clears off a Topping D10s and Schiit Magni Heresy, and that setup did very well (now running a SMSL SU-8s and Singxer SA-1). I'd suggest trying the gear you have already, and then adjusting if you feel you need to.


Sleepless_in_Bristol OP t1_j1pm7l4 wrote

Absolutely; as much as I am passionately in love with my Dawns, part of my reason for wanting to try open-back is that I do feel cut off wearing IEMs - I have no idea the wife wants me until I jump out of my skin when she taps me on the shoulder.

As the Dawn and XS aren't far off price-wise I would expect them to be equally good, just different, so I would be very interested in the thoughts of someone who has tried both but your experience is useful, thanks.