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cidit_ OP t1_j1vpxnh wrote

You misunderstand, i've had the magni and modi for a good while now (at least a year) and have tried it with the hd6xx and the dca closedX, but now im moving in with someone who i want to introduce to the hobby so im thinking of leaving the schiit stack on their desk and get an upgrade for myself.

Im sorry all of this shouldve been in the posts description

I recently received a foxal elex (which came with the balanced cable) and ive been wanting to give it a shot with the next stack, and im also working my way up to the hd800s which i know will have a b cable too

Should i make a new post with a better description?


maXXXjacker t1_j1vrsi7 wrote

The Schiit stack will make an excellent gift and a great excuse for you to upgrade. :)

I think your post is old enough now that you would probably benefit from re-creating it and adding more details + specifics so that people can better help you.

r/HeadphoneAdvice/ might also be a good place to get suggestions. I would also include your budget.


beagleboyj2 t1_j1vybbd wrote

Just keep in mind the HD800S does not come with an XLR cable and instead comes with a 4.4mm pentaconn connector. I don’t get why they did that since there’s even less devices with that plug.