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Desertshark42 t1_j273whl wrote

Yea well didn’t see someone mention anything when I posted my comment. And it’s not unheard of that some people will hear different things with different amps and DACs. There could be an issue with his current setup. Maybe the amp/DAC he used was fried, maybe the headphones themselves were used and have a QC issue. OP didn’t specify whether it was new or used. I stand by my comment, try another amp/DAC bud. If it’s still sounding like shit, well then at least you tried other possible solutions before giving up rather then to just exchange a sub $500 headphone.


GhoZsK OP t1_j2782vw wrote

The K3 is fine. No noticeable noise floor or weird noises at 60-80% on balanced output. Bass boost is clear. I bought the XS new for like $400. (I said $500 as reference price). Maybe i just had high expectations due the reviews and comments, But it's definetly better than m50x, like... everything. bass extension, mids, highs, soundstage, comfort. the sibilance and bright is gone compared with what i feel on m50x. But i think was just that. too high expectation.


Exact3 t1_j27lmtj wrote

This is the problem with this hobby; it's extremely subjective.

Some people can't tell a difference between a $100 pair and a $1000 pair and some can tell the differences between different amps.

If they're not worth it to you, returning them or selling them would be my advice.