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_crackerjack73_ t1_j1gtkg9 wrote

ZMF makes some really great HD800 pads as well, Personally, I found them a bit more comfortable than the Dekoni's, which I tried first for 6months or so. The ZMF product page includes links to measurements as well:


ostuniman OP t1_j1gudau wrote

Thx. Looking into it as the dekoni is tighter.


frobroj t1_j1je3mm wrote

Ooh someone that has some of the ZMFs... Can I bend yer ear a bit? Did you find a big difference sonically or where they pretty close to stock sound? Also did you go suede or lambskin?


_crackerjack73_ t1_j1p326b wrote

I got the Lambskin as I like the feel more than the suede I have on my other ZMF headphone pads. According to the audio tests Zach ran(You can see the results in the video farther up), the Seude is closer to the stock pads by a little bit. I personally didn't notice a difference between the Lambskin from stock pads, and the comfort/seal is better than stock.


frobroj t1_j1p3l2c wrote

Awesome! Thanks for the info. I was thinking of going the way of the lambskin too. Sounds like Zach's measurements were pretty indicative of the real world experience. I'll give em a try. Again I really appreciate the real world feedback. Have a happy holiday!


InFortunaWeLust t1_j1gt3sj wrote

ZMF lambskin pads didn't add bass but made the sound more impactful for me. sounds the same only more tactile and less smooth.


ostuniman OP t1_j1h57aa wrote

I found ZMF website. It was available since October for HD800s. I wish it was avail before I bought the dekonis.


frobroj t1_j1jeifa wrote

Thanks for the info. Been eyeballin the ZMFs but wanted to hear some real world experiences with em. Much appreciated!


Millenwagon t1_j1hm5iy wrote

I love how much difference a pair of earpads can make. I just stuck some velour dt 770 pads on my t5p and fuck, they’re so much better now. It also took me a couple of days to adjust, but now when I go back to the stock pads they just lack so much.


Nasa26 t1_j1ik03p wrote

I had dekoni sheepskin pads on my 800S and hated them. Ruined the soundstage due to how far away the driver sits from your ear. I changed back to stock and all was good.


ostuniman OP t1_j1ik5e1 wrote

Yep same. Its clampy now. Its 25mm.

I just ordered the ZMF pads. Its 17mm.


frobroj t1_j1jdqqv wrote

I tried some cheapo but similar pads.... Man it killed the staging and made them way too dark IMO. Curious about ZMFs version though. They seem a bit thinner so probably stay closer to that original sound. Glad you got good sound out of the Dekonis. May have to give them a try at some point. Honestly though If I want more bass I just put on my Open Alphas. They scratch that itch like no other! And I typically don't like bass... But I like the Open Alphas!!!