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Significant-Detail65 t1_ivrorc0 wrote

I swear... if I see another deal that I can't buy because of shipping reasons, I'm moving to the US.


TRX808 t1_ivs3wf3 wrote

IIRC this is the low. They drop from time to time but I think $200 is as low as they've been. I don't know a lot about them but mostly good impressions from comments I've seen previously on here and HeaFi.

Lot of good sales this month though so keep your coins tight.


treyloz t1_ivsmtaz wrote

Is it US only like last time?

Went to buy it last time and found out during checkout it only ships in the US.


jamjamjaime t1_ivsy5jr wrote

I got mine at $220 through a forwarder. Seems that it ships to the US only.

I'd say it is definitely worth the discounted price. Tons of accessories 3.5mm, 2.5mm, and a Bluetooth cable. An assortment of filters, and Spinfit eartips.

Theses are not as exciting as my Timeless, but they are really balanced and refined.

I wouldn't and can't pay the original price, but for $200 something these are killer.


UnacceptableOwl OP t1_ivtz0jo wrote

Not sure, i don't have any experience with the s12, or the N5005 yet (order placed just yesterday). But it's also quad BA with a DD in the N5005 vs the s12 planar driver, so i imagine there will be a decent difference between the two, sound wise.

There is a user on here who recently put out a pretty detailed post about the N5005 if I recall. But mostly i just wanted to let folks know about the sale if they're interested


Galexio t1_ivv4cet wrote

Bumping. For the price, it's a great deal, but if they're just using the Lenovo pricing model (the "deal" price is the actual MSRP), then it's worth checking against other comparable reccs around the same price range like the S12, even the S12 Pro.


Uzidropped t1_ivv56or wrote

I’ve heard the only thing better about the s12 pro is something to do with the cable and the interchangeable 3.5mm, 2.5mm etc jacks? Oh and maybe a slight change in tuning?


Galexio t1_ivv69uj wrote

The Pro is on sale on AliExpress (it'll take a while to get to you), and some other retailers might try to match the price tomorrow for 11.11. Just for the cable it sounds like a good purchase.

Take that as you may.


Merppity t1_iw87bik wrote

I think that these really did sell for $1k, at least for a little bit when they were new. Nowadays though, the real MSRP is probably around the $330 that Amazon currently has them at. $200 is definitely a new low though.


HappyGazelle6705 t1_iweocdy wrote

I would advise to chat to sales support before buying. If you’re nice, you can get a discount code. I asked and I got $40 off. Just between us, so don’t tell everyone. For $169 with tax it’s a steal.


UnacceptableOwl OP t1_iwevozi wrote

Honestly i never thought to ask, but makes sense i guess. I had a 30% discount from a prior order that wound up being on intergalactic back order, so i used that and ended up paying around 150 with tax. My order is coming this Thursday and can't wait!