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Neither-Welder5001 t1_ixnu95s wrote

I’ve never listened to a dt990, but it makes sense to buy for better value in your country. From what I read you will do far better with the dt990 than your current setup. Good luck!


Suitable-Mousse7309 OP t1_ixnv03h wrote

hahahah of course, i think even some "gaming" headset will solve the problem, but if i buy new headphone, i will not switch it untill it will broke and i will suffer or not enjoy the much i could enjoy with normal one's hehehe, but yeah, basically im on the most low-end level of sound headphones right now with unbranded chinese buds. im feeling proud of myself that i could hold like that for 2.5-3 months. tomorrow its the last day i guess :D