Submitted by G1cin t3_z72gg9 in headphones

I really like them, but I need to learn more to appreciate them. That's the short version of this post, so if you don't care to read after, then there you go, haha.

Before this, my headphones were the Razer Kraken Ultimates and the ROG Fusion II 500. My Krakens just randomly stopped working one day, and I was stupid enough to get a new pair. They ended up slowly losing their audio quality along the way until I was hearing nothing but cracking and rippling on everything I watched. A part of me misses them not for their sound but for their looks, they would look great on my desk as decoration, but definitely not for trying to listen to music.

The ROG Fusions were actually a lot better than the Krakens. They had that punch that gaming headphones are known for but not too much, which I actually really liked, and it's the one thing I'm really gonna miss using the 770 Pros.

I might be too green to enjoy these headphones but I can tell that there is *something* about these that makes them amazing, but I don't know exactly what that is.

When I got them, for some reason I expected even more punch than the Fusions, but I did not get that. Instead, I got better sound quality overall. I have been listening to music and I've been hearing things I couldn't hear with the Fusions (which has made me like some of the songs I listen to a lot less, but I expected that, haha) yet I still miss that punch. I've been thinking that perhaps I'm actually remembering the Fusions as a lot better than they were, and maybe if I try them again I'll prove myself wrong.

Another thing I've noticed is that they're not as loud as the Fusions. To put it into perspective, a volume of 40 on the Fusions is a volume of 80 on the headphones.

I'm going to keep using them, and try to spot for the smaller things I couldn't hear. One song I really love to listen to actually has a small snapping sound in the first verse, which my Fusions didn't pick up because they were too focused on making the bass punch. I'm sure if I pay attention I will hear more.

I really like the comfort of them and the noise cancellation is so good that I genuinely can't hear anything but music, not even my fan. I really like this because I've always liked feeling the music. I don't go around dropping and throwing around my headphones, but I can tell the build quality is amazing and would definitely be able to take a few hits.

That's all for now! Thank you everyone.



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LoneRanger21 t1_iy4wjfi wrote

I used a Razor Electra for years, good lord that was a terrible headphone.

New to the hobby myself, never used the DT 770 but I was considering a pair up until recently. Should be a big step up in quality, hear almost universal praise for it.

Volume wise, it's not that the headphones are loud or quiet. It's that your source can only make them sound so loud given the signal strength it can produce.

Some sort of headphone amp would get you more volume, might improve the sound in general if your current source is on the underpowered side.

As to the lack of punch you mentioned, there's a whole world of equalizing to explore to customize the sound profile of your headphones. Bit over my head at my current knowledge level though.


G1cin OP t1_iy50k8o wrote

Yeah Razer isn't very good so I hope you like your upgrade!

I might need an amp for sure, but I might also just get used to it. I am getting more and more used to this pair and how it sounds

I did auto-eq them actually and I think I got a good amount of punch that doesn't ruin everything else, just like I praised the fusions for.

All in all I'm happy with the purchase and I think I might get the 990's too just to see what all the hype about opens is about.


TheRadiantSoap t1_iy57g5w wrote

Yes, headphones with less punch than your previous pair are notoriously hard to adjust to. But, every time you're listening you're adjusting to them

Other people post on here to say how bad their first real headphones are because the sound signature (balance of bass, mids and treble) is different than their gamer headphones and they assume the headphones are garbage

You also need time to get used to hifi

You can't make that big an upgrade and change in sound signature without needing to invest some time with them and it seems like you can intuitively tell that.

On the volume issue, your computer needs to work twice as hard to drive them because of the 80 ohm impetus. A cheap headphone amp would solve that problem if it's a big deal to you. They use juice from the outlet to deliver a high enough charge at 80 ohms to drive them.

Welcome to the best hobby my friend


brubby3179 t1_iy585ex wrote

I love my pair of DT770s, best closed backs I own!


MachineTeaching t1_iy597a7 wrote

Cheaper headphones generally have more "punch" simply because the bass is louder. Louder in relative terms, so to the detriment of everything else. Audiophile headphones strive for more balance, which usually means they aren't as bassy.


KingBasten t1_iy6cj7a wrote

You're free to EQ, I like to pull up the 250hz range on the DT770's to give em some more impact. They do lack a bit of midbass punch out of the box imo but it's an easy fix.

As for their bass quality, it is outstanding. I've been in this hobby for a really long time, I haven't heard better bass on any other headphone.


Oxyzepam t1_iy7g0oc wrote

I hate my DT770s, don’t know if they’re defect, but they’re lacking bass and have sharp treble.


ExtendedOrb420 t1_iycfqjz wrote

I tried auto-eq and ngl I think it sucks, but that obviously just means I didn't like whatever target they were going for. I recommend trying the oratory1990 eq, that way you can even play with the bass if you don't find it enough using equaliser apo and peace.