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TRX808 t1_ixvcg80 wrote

Looks good. I would make the default font bigger but it's easy enough to just use the zoom feature up top. Organizing the list via overall ranking is kind of broken because S goes to the bottom and it goes A, A-, A+ etc in order.

Also is there a way to filter IEM vs over ear?


OPGuyK OP t1_ixvis76 wrote

Unfortunately there's no way inside google sheets afaik to organise the list by s > a > etc, but you can try organise by column T (it's the rank converted to a number) then scroll back to the left. I'll definitely try to make this more clear in the future though.

Same for iem/over ear sorting, just sort by column A for now, I can't figure out a way to separate it just yet/hide certain types without making separate sheets which will be a pain to update imo. Hope some google sheets god in the comments can help out!


iZ3C0LD t1_ixvj5jc wrote

On "The List" sheet:

Data > Filter views > Create new temporary view > Range A1:W305

If you click on the "three horizontal line" button you can filter/sort according to cell contents


TRX808 t1_ixvks6n wrote

Thanks that works for the IEM vs OB or CB. Gizaudio has his list with proper ordering from S down but he may do it all manually. It's not a big deal just a minor nitpick, it's still well organized.

EDIT - That filter for IEM, OB, CB should be easy enough to add as a built-in filter to the list but my Sheets skills aren't great.


OPGuyK OP t1_ixvo2gi wrote

Dunno if it's a google sheets bug or something, but I have that built in filter set up, I just can't use it if I open my sheet in incognito. The temporary view thing works perfectly though, I've added instructions for that in "Info/Test Tracks". Thanks a lot /u/iZ3C0LD !