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TheRadiantSoap OP t1_ixjkayy wrote

You have the power in your hands

Caffiene, DPH or DXM is the best for me straight up

But for dxm I'll just sit and listen to happy by Pharrell for hours, which idk if that counts as music 🤔


ku1185 t1_ixk2q34 wrote

But which drugs give you the biggest soundstage?


InFortunaWeLust t1_ixlr2rp wrote

I don't do heavy drugs I only smoke diet weed (cbd) and sometimes this makes the music sound so huge lol. I can't imagine real weed or LSD etc


TheRadiantSoap OP t1_ixk4cj2 wrote

I actually really want to know the answer to the best music drug now

Soundstage gotta be benadryl. I think dph aka benadryl would be the audiophile drug overall because it increases how good music sounds without a mood boost or pleasant hallucinations (unless you like spiders)

It also destroys your insides just like how audiophila destroys the inside of your bank account


Adrian1616 t1_ixjycvm wrote

Questionable behavior that's for sure 🤔


TheRadiantSoap OP t1_ixk346i wrote

Some people go out and bite people in the face on DXM cough medicine aka robocough. My BIL saw it happen himself

"Taking this much DXM causes a trance-like state and sensations similar to out-of-body experiences. Delirium and hallucinations often lead to aggressive or violent behavior. People also experience reduced pain perception."

I sit in a trance just believing everything I hear and doing whatever I'm told. Crazy shit. Pharrell says we're happy and I'm cheesing...

Do not take this ever for sure. You could straight up commit assault 🤔