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xler8r t1_ix5ngts wrote

Here’s a review of the PR1 Pro from a FB group by BL. He has some interesting notes from a side-by-side comparison of the PR1 Pro to the S12 Pro. There is mid-bass bleed and clarity loss in the PR1 Pro.

Note: This post was shared publicly, so it can be viewed if you don’t have a FB account or want to use your browser’s incognito mode.


r31ya t1_ixbi41o wrote

it is noted that its equal in Bass with S12, there is slight veil in Mid and treble compared to S12. but ended with for $40 is still good

someone in headfi noted the reviewer might prefer cold analitical sounds, he might take points out for warmth.

tough that slight veil could be treble tuning difference or simply planar driver capability differences. one is $80 ($40 on discount) and the other is $150 ($100~$120 on discount)


xler8r t1_ixbiho7 wrote

I know it’s the current “new toy”, but these early reviews all sound great, esp at $40. I can’t believe how close they are to the S12. I expected a long way to go to that level.

Btw - looks like no tax if you buy from the KZ store instead of Ali 🙃


r31ya t1_ixbtr2r wrote

Technically its their Fourth Planar within half a year. They are evolving in pretty fast pace.

the KZ rep noted that they have experiment with SPD (the one Gumiho uses) but didn't like it and choose to fully invest in Planar instead. So they might release few others next year.