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Bad_at_names_701 t1_ix7lpym wrote

Would a roughly 60$- 100$ version of this with detachable cables not have made more sense? The Chu seems to have been quite well-received. The main issues were more to do with build quality than sound. So why not fix up the build and maintain what’s good about the sound in a more sturdy chassis? What do you guys think?


DVNOVNI t1_ix7mpjc wrote

Yeah I guess they don't sell Chu's with detachable cable to keep their other products competitive but it's frustrating because they're better than the Aria for certains genres imo. But I don't wanna buy a soldering set just to make a mod on a 20$ IEM lol


kazuviking t1_ix7it2j wrote

At this point they are just throwing stuff at the wall a seeing which sticks.


ThelceWarrior t1_ix7smj2 wrote

Which is interesting considering the CHUs definitely stuck already lol, this isn't really necessary unless they fix the filter issues (They won't), make it a detachable cable (Doesn't seem like it from this photo) or I guess perhaps they just gave it the Quarks treatment and made this a DSP Type-C version.

Only thing I can see besides that is maybe add a bit more bass, wouldn't really call that a refinement though.


Nico777 t1_ix7s52n wrote

And considering like 70% of the best sellers on Shenzen are Moondrop products I'd say they found a good way to make them sticky.


[deleted] t1_ix7u8uu wrote

I don’t understand why everyone complains about IEMs not having detachable cables. I understand the customization and better durability aspect of having a detachable cable, but it isn’t a deal breaker personally if the IEM doesn’t have one. I’ll honestly just remember to treat them better and keep them away from the cat 😂. Plus, it eases my mind to know that they were probably designed to withstand normal everyday use anyway.


LifeAspect t1_ix81cdm wrote

For this price I agree. For anything above 50 euro imo a detachable cable is a must


Clickbaitllama t1_ix88gwg wrote

The problem with chus is that the cable likes to throw itself off your ear unlike say a bullet iem. And unlike a bullet iem, you can’t wear the chu’s cormfortably with the cable down. People would be much less mad if they atleast gave it a pre formed earhook.


scrappyuino678 t1_ix8nj73 wrote

I mean, I do wear the Chus bullet style albeit I do shove it in slightly deeper into my ears than normal

Am I the only person to do this lmao


Clickbaitllama t1_ix8pa10 wrote

Probably not, but it just feels off to me when I wear them like that


DVNOVNI t1_ix8dqf1 wrote

Personally I find detachable cables to be much easier to wrap and unwrap, it doesn’t stick. The earhooks are also a must.


Hyurakun t1_ix8f3vt wrote

What really takes me off it's the fact they updated the Quarks with DSP, so where do this fit into?, They already replaced the Spaceship with the Chu and this would be the replacement for the Quarks but seems like a bad business management to have updated a product that was/is going out soon, unless they want to have something similar to the 5.0 and 5.2 Nekocake, which it could be plausible but then again their own products are fighting at this point.

Good ol' classic moondorp, fighting itself because there's no "true" competitor.


therealPaulPlay t1_ixbt6ke wrote

I don’t think it needs better tuning but rather improved technicalities


Sebastian_i_guess t1_ixfa8id wrote

Perhaps they will replace the SSP/SSR. Since I have not heard shit of it since.


Pokrog t1_ix8lodc wrote

I genuinely think the Chu is the worst $20 set to come out recently.
