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Nadeoki t1_iu6qj4f wrote

Can you go into detail on "unnatural" ? To most people who've ever heard them they sound astonishingly good from all the reviews and listening tests on the internet (except for people who dislike harman I guess)


Wise_Concentrate_182 t1_iu80zk6 wrote

“Most people” includes a large swathe of the world buying Apple, beats, and 30 dollar Panasonic earphones. To me these are muddy, horribly distorted bass, and many build qualities. The treble is often sibilant. Mids muffled. Get an Onkyo E700M from eBay or alibaba for 50 bucks (irs discontinued, so these are old owners or remnant stock). Then get Timeless rubbish for 200 bucks. Listen to the same music on both. You’ll see what I mean.


Nadeoki t1_iu87elt wrote

notice how I said "most people who have heard them". I'm pretty sure Beats by Dr. Dre users don't know or care about audiophile brands or try their headphones


Wise_Concentrate_182 t1_iu8mruv wrote

Same difference. Different type of cluelessness. A vast majority of those who are pleased with chi fi garbage haven’t heard proper audio equipment. They have a Bluetooth speaker at home and are upgrading from the beats or 30 dollar Panasonics.


Nadeoki t1_iu8n2f6 wrote

Can you show me this kind of metric population data for these claims you're so confident to make?


Wise_Concentrate_182 t1_iu8nz3r wrote

Yeah sure. Everything relies on metric population data 🤣 Move along. Enjoy your KZ 10 :)


Nadeoki t1_iu8oiu3 wrote

Uhm, yes the kind of claim you made actually does.

I use SA-6 ULTRA's and NTH-100's but ok