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Lanky_Ad8574 t1_ity9gpp wrote

Nice! My Darkvoice 336se came in today. I was expecting for it to take some time for the tubes burn in but it sounds amazing out of the box through my 650’s. Tubes for life. My wallet is in trouble


PutPineappleOnPizza t1_ityntyr wrote

But is the difference to solid state big? I have the TA-26, rolled tubes and all and I'm wondering what other people experience since I wouldn't day that sound changed by much.


Shiro_Hayate t1_iu13r67 wrote


I have a SB AE-5 > Modi >Valhalla 2 stack with HD800S, and HD660S.

There is a difference between the combinations (plugging into AE-5 directly vs Valhalla 2), most notably in the bass.

The biggest difference is the HD800S vs the HD660S. The HD800S straight up destroy the 660S. It's like sitting in a concert hall versus wearing headphones. Worth noting I literally grew up playing in concert halls, and have a trained ear (cello.)


YalamMagic t1_ityyl8o wrote

Difference can be massive depending on which amp you're looking at. I had a Valhalla 2 and an A90 and the difference was like night and day. I actually bought the A90 to replace the Valhalla 2 but just couldn't convince myself it was better; it's just such a different experience.