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Symp07 OP t1_iu8uxqk wrote

The design of the box would be the easiest change, people wouldn't be bothered even if it's a plain box with the name on the front and specs on the back, just drop the Dekoni tips, all other accessories would remain the same. Change the faceplates since the red and blue faceplates are associated with Z Reviews. The point being it should never be made limited regardless of new batches. The tuning is not exclusive, everyone can see the graph and other brands can even copy it. The agreement is drafted to Dunu's advantage, Dunu has the full control of their product, that's how collab works.


NeonEonIon t1_iu8whh4 wrote

I agree with the physical stuff but tuning is something else. Granted i don't know anything about collabs. But zeos is currently being paid via a royalty model. I don't think they would be able to sell the same tuning without compensating him somehow unless it is a one and done deal and zeos has no problems with it or the contracts allow it or something.


Symp07 OP t1_iu8y5bg wrote

Agree it's all about the contracts, now that it's sold out perhaps Zeos can tell us about it. But again I believe that the tuning is not exclusive to Zeos because it cannot be copyrighted when literally every brand has access to its graph, that's like trying to sue a competitor because their product sounded similar, if the physical design is similar then there might be a case which is why changing the faceplates while keeping the same tuning would work.


SaganWorship t1_iu993oy wrote

I don’t think you understand how this kind of thing works. First, the FR graph isn’t what’s being “copyrighted” here, it’s the physical damping/construction/tuning/changes to the drivers/whatever else physical characteristics Zeos worked with them to change that is exclusive to the collab contract with him, not the result of all that work and those changes. Second, it would be an idiotic contract indeed for Zeos to have signed that doesn’t protect all those things from being used ever again without compensating him. They can’t just change a color and say “tee-hee this different product now lolz” and go back to selling it. We don’t know the contents of their contract but even a minimally competent lawyer would’ve made sure there was language in that contract preventing exactly what you’re talking about here.