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pkelly500 t1_iu1c4w9 wrote

Don't worry: The lead will kill you only if it leaks into your ears while in the state of California.


Toxolotl01 t1_iu1coca wrote

In California everything wants to kill you. Weird state


Chew-Magna t1_iu1d9p8 wrote

And people say Australia is bad.


jahuu__ t1_iu2h0fz wrote

It is though, i just went to Sydney and the Australian middle aged women do want to kill you, especially your eardrums, when they talk loudly non-stop even during a performance in the opera house. Australia is dangerous, watch your step


dan_bodine t1_iu1gkou wrote

Good for transparency to know if a product your buying contains a poisonous substance, even though it's not a concern in most use cases.


xxForever23xx t1_iu20g7s wrote

Everything wants to kill you expect the government. Jkjk. They are just very cautious and overprotective tbh. It is what it is.