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gobolin-deez-nuts t1_jbd2hbf wrote

Now try a planar IEM and get stunned again,


jjfosh t1_jbd9gv5 wrote

S12 best option?


DeltalJulietCharlie t1_jbdd01r wrote

I've got the S12 Pros - when I put them on after listening to the Truthear Hola it feels like a veil is lifted.

They're pretty comfortable, which I suspect the other planars aren't.

Not a huge fan of the tuning, would probably be better slightly more neutral. But even so they're amazing.


thebardofdoom t1_jbdfoqa wrote

You can replace the filters on the S12 series to dull the treble a bit. I used the “TRIPOWIN X HBB Olina” filters from Linsoul and prefer the outcome.


sawtoothmassacre t1_jbh4gf9 wrote

How does one go about replacing the filter? Do you have to take the housing apart? Also curious if you noticed any increase in the bass levels after using the Olina filters.


thebardofdoom t1_jbh92tq wrote

The filters come with a set of tweezers, and just hitting the side of one of the preinstalled ones is enough to remove the old ones. No disassembly except removing the ear tips. May take a few tries to do but even an adequately steady hand can manage this.

The Olina filters are a soft, gauzy thing that are easy to bend, so it’s good that they include 12 in a package. They just stick on with an adhesive ring in the same place as the metal ones you removed.

I didn’t notice much of any change to the bass. The overall tonality is certainly warmer, but that may be from a loss of some of that treble spike. That much I can definitely say is affected.


sawtoothmassacre t1_jbhlloq wrote

Just ordered a set of filters and gonna give this a go. Thanks for the detailed reply!


jjfosh t1_jbdfa6s wrote

Planar tech can easily be eq'd :)


DeltalJulietCharlie t1_jbdmhx9 wrote

I just haven't managed to find eq settings I like for them. Normally I like Harman tuning, but it sounds hollow on the S12.


Solanum_Lord t1_jbdvboh wrote

Hollow like it needs a sub bass lift or missing treble? Play around can always revert! Beauty of EQ


DeltalJulietCharlie t1_jbgoykt wrote

I think it's the mid bass - the planar is so quick that the normal amount seems short. But honestly not sure, they seem to respond to EQ differently than a DD. Need to spend more time messing around with it.


MindTheGapless t1_jbdz0fm wrote

I love my S12. They are quite special. I must also say that the 7Hz Zero is quite amazing, not S12 amazing, but still amazing in its own way.

Waiting for the Hexa's. Looking for affordable End Game from one of these:

Audio Hekili - $300 Moondrop Variations - $530 Letshouer EJ07m - $600 Xenns Mangrid Tea 2 - $350 Thieaudio Oracle - $539 Mangrid Xenns Top - $530

The budget is $600, however, I'm concerned with Moondrop and Thieaudio QC issues. This is why the Audio Hekilis may be my final option.


jjfosh t1_jbf58j1 wrote

Qc over everything


MindTheGapless t1_jbfxtm0 wrote

Ended ordering the Variations because they are through Amazon and if any issues they are easier to solve or return. Also I won't have to pay import tax. And finally, the Variations is on the top 10 IEM list of almost every single reviewer, listed together with IEMs priced over $1K. I hope no issues.