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Shrinra t1_jdj3snl wrote

Mine are scheduled to be delivered later today, so I couldn't tell you from personal experience yet, but from the latest pictures that people have been posting on Drop, they unfortunately don't. :( It looks like quite a recent change too. I'm a bummer. I really wanted the fancy box with hinges and the foam inserts.


NubberOne t1_jdjl0yd wrote

Seems like it started this batch. Posts from Feb still had the old box. Just got mine and they came in new packaging :(


Shrinra t1_jdjm6na wrote

USPS just dropped my shipment off a couple of minutes ago, and the outer carton is way too small and light for it to the old packaging. I'm kicking myself for not ordering last month, but I was indecisive and couldn't decide what to buy. Boxes and packaging are actually kind of important to me. Ugh!


NubberOne t1_jdjmqgd wrote

Shipping should be fine since they came inside a separate box, but not getting the old packaging is a shame


Shrinra t1_jdjnaz0 wrote

Yes, it is. Perhaps I am overreacting, but I think I might return them and look for a mint condition used pair that comes with the original packaging.