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WeakestBoss t1_je8lii7 wrote

I just bought myself an Ananda v2 recently because i really love the sound quality, but seeing all the posts about hifiman QC in this sub is really getting me worried.

What is a good alternative to Ananda Stealth?


Spyronight t1_je8py3x wrote

had the ananda stealth and sold it. Better alternatives Focal Clear OG (better tone, slightly better detail retrieval, worse soundstage [ananda stealth had a “tall” soundstage) or the Stax L300 setup with srm 252 energizer (severely lacking without eq, peace eq has a great auto eq feature, I think I use the headphoneanalyzer eq for the L300). Nothing else matches it from the stuff I tried at that price range.


blorg t1_je9izkg wrote

Focal quality is worse than Hifiman. They sound great, but incredibly creaky (Hifiman doesn't do this) and I would be more concerned about Focal headband or driver failure. And if it's out of warranty Focal want stupid money to fix anything, even the pads are like $200+.


Spyronight t1_je9mivp wrote

I should have made it clear that I only gave those recommendations based of sound quality + same price bracket, not on build quality. The Ananda stealth is built way better than the L300 that’s essentially plastic with a weak headband. Regarding the focals mine only creak if I move around alot but I get were you are coming from. The pads for the clears are available for $80 I believe. I dont think you can find a headphone ~$500 in the pricerange of the 3 I mentioned with that quality of sound, Maybe a Beyer T1?


blorg t1_je9mnue wrote

Edition XS :)


Spyronight t1_je9q19i wrote

Thats still a hifiman tho, might as well get the ananda stealth.


leperaffinity56 t1_jeab22j wrote

I have a pair of Hifiman Edition xs; what am I missing out on with the Anandas?


Spyronight t1_jebqpvn wrote

no missing enough to upgrade.


flyedchicken t1_jebnhe1 wrote

Anandas sound even a bit more 'clean' than the XS, slightly less bass, slightly more treble. Slightly more detailed I've heard.


leperaffinity56 t1_jebprk6 wrote

Oh dang even cleaner than the xs sounds nice but the bass response on the XS is exquisite.


Watermelon4man t1_je9nqvl wrote

The Stax L300's plastic is so brittle that it'll just break if you look at it wrong.


Ok-Psychology-1420 t1_je9q6eb wrote

Neumann NDH30 is worth a try in that price range. Very strong technicalities, and yet a very fun, engaging listen. Build quality is top tier as well.


Spyronight t1_je9qgyp wrote

Always wanted one of their mics, truth be told havent heard much of this headphone. Maybe itll get more traction in the future.


Ok-Psychology-1420 t1_je9quwj wrote

Yeah it’s stayed out of the spotlight since its release last year (surprisingly). I think it’s being marketed to the pro audio crowd, and not so aggressively toward the consumer/audiophile set. There’s a pretty active thread over on head-fi and it’s definitely gaining traction. I give it a strong recommendation!


wankthisway t1_je8s5xa wrote

Honestly from what I'm seeing basically every planar / high end planar brand has questionable QC. Maybe the monster you know is better than the one you don't? Aka at least you know what to expect with Hifiman.


GamePro201X t1_je8su93 wrote

Meze seems pretty good when it comes to planars. Although their tuning is not something everyone would like


No_Analysis6187 t1_je8vj94 wrote

Audeze and zmf are solid


aceCrasher t1_je8w5ln wrote

Only recent model years. In the early 2010s Audeze was more known for shoddy QC, like cracking wood rings.


coreyfromlowes69 t1_je9m2kd wrote

I remember those posts (LCD-5?) with the threaded mini XLR connectors getting yanked out. Might as well have been held in with bubble gum lol


UnnecessaryMovements t1_je9qe6z wrote

And dead drivers as well.


Smugsie t1_jeb49zv wrote

Dead drivers indeed. Back in 2018 I RMA'd an iSine 20 for a dead driver, their customer service was great though, I only had to pay for shipping to have the unit replaced.


Makegooduseof t1_je8tkql wrote

Does Dan Clark Audio have issues as well? I don’t recall seeing a lot of drama involving DCA.


Ok-Psychology-1420 t1_je9qf4b wrote

I had a pretty noticeable channel imbalance in my Aeon closed 2s. But DCA fixed them for me for free. Their customer service is excellent!


Makegooduseof t1_je9wyrt wrote

Other than the channel issue, how do you like your Aeons? That’s one headphone I’ve been waffling over for a year or two now.


Ok-Psychology-1420 t1_jeaa8fq wrote

honestly, I think they're fantastic. And for the low used prices I've seen lately a solid value. I don't use them a ton, lately preferring a lot of dynamic driver headphones, but for a closed planar, it's hard to do better (unless you can afford something like the Stealth).


SpringsNSFWdude t1_je8wvu1 wrote

DCA has good QC the most common complaints I hear is that their "resolution" or sound retrieval whatever you want to call it, isn't particularly great for its price range, and that they have a low dynamic range.


UnignorableAnomaly t1_jeb47rb wrote

I've had 2 headphone problems and one was DCA but I rarely see any mention of DCA having issues so I think they're rare.

1st was a hd650 driver that died after a few years.

2nd was a DCA Aeon X Closed who's earcup would crash into into the hinge arm preventing it from swiveling and fitting to my head so I returned those.


MuchSalt t1_je94bgp wrote

the good ol beyer that will never broke


curumba t1_jeboco4 wrote

I wasnt too happy about my DT 1990 Pro. They feel solid, but the driver died, the plastic sides broke 3 times until i was too tired to send it in and the headband started peeling off.


subhanepix t1_je8rphb wrote

just bought edition XS two days ago and have similar concerns