Submitted by TemporaryLlamaDrama t3_1258xsm in headphones

^^Pun ^^intended.

My Moondrop Starfield’s with a 4.4mm balanced cable sound miles better than when used with the standard 3.5mm that came with them (from a Fiio M11S).

I have the Dunu Titan S’ as well and when compared to the Starfields (both using their stock cables) they sound pretty similar, albeit less low end on the Titans. But when comparing the 4.4mm on both of them the Starfield is leaps and bounds better.

Is it just me? Is it due to the higher mW output from the balanced jack and my dumbass just confusing louder=better?



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blargh4 t1_je338wp wrote


Almost certainly this. Even relatively small volume difference are going to confound any comparison you make.

Some IEMs may be somewhat sensitive to differences in cable impedance (and, probably more importantly, the amp's output impedance, which will double with the balanced output), but the Starfields shouldn't be.


enligh10ment t1_je3ew9k wrote

I never cared enough to test it but apparently some sources are designed with the balanced output in mind, which means their circuit has more or better components and therefore should sound better; the single-ended is an afterthought and is there for convenience. Your DAP could be one of these sources.


AEnemo t1_je4kyc2 wrote

Some amps can have different implementations in their balanced circuits so it could be a difference within the amp itself.


spltnalityof t1_je7mzju wrote

Balanced vs unbalanced cables produce noticeable changes in timbre.


TemporaryLlamaDrama OP t1_je336up wrote

No I agree, the 4.4mm cable is way better


TemporaryLlamaDrama OP t1_je33861 wrote

I know right?! Glad to know im not crazy


TemporaryLlamaDrama OP t1_je341oa wrote

No you’re not crazy
