Submitted by vermthrowaway t3_1282gqo in headphones

I got the 250 ohm one.

I've seen them recommended everywhere and they have a billion good reviews on Amazon.
Trying them out they sound REALLY quiet, to the point where maxing my computer and browser player volume isn't enough. They sound clearer than my shitty $60 Skullcandies but it doesn't feel like a $70 difference IMO. They sound quiet on desktop, laptop, and particularly shitty on my phone, though I can't tell if it has a jack problem or not.

I intended to use them like 75% gaming, 25% music. I need to experiment a bit more to fully decide, but am I missing something? I was looking for some comfortable, good quality headphones that are comfortable for gaming but are a good balance between music and games.



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bogus-one t1_jegy7nz wrote

With 250 ohm resistance, you will need a BIG amp.


vermthrowaway OP t1_jegyl00 wrote

Bear with me I'm 60 IQ.
These would just be an external powersource I'd have to route it through? Are there portable amps that don't need an outlet?
Has anyone tried the 80 ohm version? How does it compare? Is it worth getting the amp for the difference?


redditstinkt666 t1_jeh0206 wrote

If your coming from Skullcandy headphones better exchange the 990 and get the dt770 (80 ohm). I think the sound signature is more similar and they will definitely run from your laptop and phone.


not_a_masterpiece t1_jeh0exj wrote

No worries. You will need a desktop amp like the Topping DX3 Pro +, which was recently on sale for $160. I’m not sure about portable options, someone else will need to comment, but there is probably a decent option to make them sound good.


redditstinkt666 t1_jeh2mki wrote

990 are open-back headphones, 770 are closed. Open back in general have a bigger soundstage, a more "airy" feeling, a more natural and clear sound. But they don't block outside noise like closed-backs, so they're not useful in loud surroundings + they leak your sound out as well. Closed backs generally focus more in bass. If you never used an open-back I can't rly recommend the dt990 as they will possibly sound harsh and flat.


bogus-one t1_jeh2nwy wrote

Maybe I was too brief and not very helpful. Or maybe I was trying to adjust expectations based on personal experience (an HD800 will sound better on a BIG amp than a phone or laptop). An Objective2 type of amp could be enough. But vermthrowaway and redditstinkt666 suggestions of dt770 or 80 ohm maybe a more sensible suggestion than mine based on the OP's post.


not_a_masterpiece t1_jeh5ejd wrote

For any of these decent audiophile headphones you will want and likely need an amp. It’s pretty simple: you plug the amp into a wall, then connect one cable from your PC/laptop to the amp. Then you plug your headphones right into the amp. Your sound and volume will be massively improved and the added bonus is a nice volume knob on the amp. There are definitely cheaper amps than the Topping (which is actually an amp/DAC combo), but it will work for pretty much anything you throw at it.