>Is there any alternative to AKG 701 with good build quality?
The HD 560S might interest you. Despite feeling somewhat cheap in the hands, they are surprisingly durable, and offer better bass extension than the K701/K702.
I'm afraid nothing is close to the K701 outside of other AKG models. The K612 Pro is really good, though. The K712 is also really good and I love it but it sounds nothing like the rest of the K7 or K6 line.
What aspects of the K701's sound did you like that the Q701 and K702 couldn't replicate? People will be able to give better recommendations knowing what you are looking for.
I would say K701 is more airy and prominent in the string vibration of electric guitars or pianos. Extremely satisfied by the guitar solo presented by K701.
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Roppmaster t1_j8cjyfr wrote
>Is there any alternative to AKG 701 with good build quality?
The HD 560S might interest you. Despite feeling somewhat cheap in the hands, they are surprisingly durable, and offer better bass extension than the K701/K702.