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206Red t1_j9hrzxo wrote

Such a subtle mod, would certainly work on a fashion show


GHOSTVIPERZ28 OP t1_j9htr49 wrote

I cant wear these in public anymore


Kiko1215 t1_j9ij3ui wrote

U used to wear ur hd 600 in public?


GHOSTVIPERZ28 OP t1_j9irgpp wrote

I do my studies in public spaces that already have an appropriate sound floor (talking, ac, etc.) for me to use open back headphones without disturbing others.

Plus im not blasting them, I often listen at low volumes.


hvperRL t1_j9mz51y wrote

I used to do the same. A sort of white noise, and since youre studying you dont need perfect listening conditions


PTZiart t1_j9hnamh wrote



GHOSTVIPERZ28 OP t1_j9hmcrm wrote

The wooden earcups have 3D printed waveguide cups, which make the listener's ears the focal point.

Im not super technically inclined, but I think that making them closed-back made the bass more prominent while not sacrificing soundstage as much as a traditional closed back would.


FKSSR t1_j9hn896 wrote

Very interesting experiment. Does it super increase soundstage?


GHOSTVIPERZ28 OP t1_j9hqmyq wrote

Going closed back inherently narrows the soundstage. In this case though, Im assuming that it doesn't narrow it quite as much with the amount of room the wide earcups allow.


FKSSR t1_j9hvj4h wrote

Is that always true? I am honestly asking, because I feel my DT770's have wider soundstage than the 6XX's I just sold to a friend. But I have never done a modification like you did to an open back to see the difference with closing them off.


GHOSTVIPERZ28 OP t1_j9i12uj wrote

You're in luck, I also have both the DT770's on hand as well as the DT990's. I just spent the last 20 minutes scrutinizing all 3, and I would say the 990's are a teensy bit wider than my 6XX, but the 770 is a bit narrower than my modded 6XX. (No EQ or Crossfeed)

I would add though, that in my possibly biased opinion, my 6XX's now respond well to crossfeed in the L and R channels. I've sometimes played sound in them thinking my monitor speakers were on instead!


FKSSR t1_j9i5ghr wrote

Nice. Thanks for the comparison!


hurtyewh t1_j9i3n9k wrote

Closing the same design narrows the stage. DT990 is bigger than DT770, which has a rather big stage for a closed back.


DasGutYa t1_j9j93yn wrote

6xx have a tiny soundstage even compared to closed backs, this mod would do nothing but make it smaller unless there is zero damping and the cups are giving off resonances and harmonic distortion all over the place.


Selpran t1_j9hwcta wrote

DT770s are an anomaly for closed back Soundstage


FKSSR t1_j9hww08 wrote

Gotcha. Thanks. I pretty much only wear open backs except for two closed backs in rare circumstances. ☺️


NationOfSheeps t1_j9hyiz7 wrote

Do you actually prefer the 770 pro?


FKSSR t1_j9hzzt5 wrote

Yes. I am one of the weirdos that prefers headphones with a bright presentation. My favorite headphones are the 800s and DT1990's. I sold the 6XX's, because they were too dark for me. I prefer the 560s to the 6XX, personally. :)


NationOfSheeps t1_j9i0bx3 wrote

There are no weirdos here, just different tastes. In my case my tastes are completely opposite haha.


residentatzero t1_j9j2y4u wrote

I have the 6xx, hd599, AKG k371, akg 702, Audiotechnica mx50, etc. Dt770 is the best of the best to me. I stopped following the audiophile community and started listening to my own ears


rudbear t1_j9k14va wrote

How much of the sound profile is from the weight crushing the cups into the side of the head? Ergonomics affects sound.


FKSSR t1_j9hmdiv wrote

r/nightmarefuel 😂


mcjasonb t1_j9i0f0u wrote

I’ve always wondered if you could seal an open back, but do it with a cup so large that it still acts as an open back.


rhalf t1_j9iss47 wrote

On the upper end you just move the back chamber modes lower into the midrange.
On the lower end you get more bass extension.

With the space gained you can fit more resonators and damping material, so there ais more room for improvement.


NoScoprNinja t1_j9j7d8c wrote

Could you explain this to me as im a stupid person


rhalf t1_j9jmif6 wrote

Every chamber has a number of modes. Modes are resonances of an enclosed empty space. A small chamber like the back of a headphone has these modes above 5kHz. A medium one, like a loudspeaker box will have them lower, around 500Hz. A big one like your room will have modes around 50Hz.

These resonances at the back of an earcup will stop the diaphragm from moving at certain frequencies and boost it at other, creating the zigzagging response that you see in measurements.

IF you want to get rid of them, you can damp them with some sound absorbent material or with tuned resonant chambers. At least this is the way loudspeakers are made. Headphone earcups are usually too small for absorption so the only way we deal with this problem is by venting them. That's why we have open headphones.

Bass in headphones and loudspeakers is created by diaphragm excursion. The diaphragm rests on an air spring created by the closed chamber behind it. In headphones there is also a front chamber and the eardrum, but let's ignore it. The air spring opposes high excursion of a diaphragm. In practice it reduces bass extension, but amplifies the frequencies just above that. This is why you rarely get deep bass with closed headphones. They often have a bump around 100Hz and then roll off like it's nobody's business.


MOK1N t1_j9inavp wrote

me: I want verite closed

mom: we have verite closed at home

*verite closed at home*


Lelouch25 t1_j9hqnej wrote

Hifiman Yee—Long😛Muffs


R41PH- t1_j9hyaxz wrote

It so ugly I want it


could_not_think- t1_j9ige18 wrote

You monster! What have you done to my sweet child!


LivingUnderPhones t1_j9hvafs wrote

It's okay to say you like Grado masquerading as ZMF.


t0m1kaze t1_j9ioubl wrote

Now you have a sweet pair of Katamari cans.


bigjak0 t1_j9hvzed wrote

I love it too. Even as sculpture alone, it’s a beauty. I want to hear this.


Slackaveli t1_j9in6yf wrote

now do it with the innards modeled after a great European opera house.


legabs t1_j9isqwi wrote

Katamari Damacy !!!


QTIIPP t1_j9iylt2 wrote

I honestly am speechless, aside from being able to communicate my state.


Luke_bxl t1_j9jeun5 wrote

New Audeze??


QuakerZen t1_j9jwvw2 wrote

This only addresses sound coming through your ears. You gotta block all those pesky sub-sonic frequencies from bouncing around your frontal lobe and destroying the perfect resonance. I am thinking a forehead sound dampener of a similar wood type to complete the look.


cab91407 t1_j9jygj0 wrote

you can play the bongos on those things


PabloTheTurtle t1_j9ko1qm wrote

Hart Audio cables? If so hell yeah. Just got some for my 800s. Love them so much more than the "25" ft stock cable.


GHOSTVIPERZ28 OP t1_j9l0z68 wrote

Yeah, I went ahead and took the "buy once, cry once" approach with my cables after my second set failed in one channel.


nexusjz t1_j9lt8nh wrote

Looks like a torture device designed for making pancakes out of velour pads


gonomon t1_j9j7nz6 wrote



inscythe t1_j9j7pac wrote

I see this and felt the urge to roll everything into a Katamari.


Shajirr t1_j9j9bh4 wrote

Seems like regular Grado headphones to me


BGBobRob t1_j9j9m4p wrote

You should have somebody messure them. With a mesuring tape.


BGBobRob t1_j9j9rcw wrote

And weigh them. Srsly thoug. This is a pretty sick mod.


cutter3k-02 t1_j9jc8ta wrote

bros head finna turn into tyler1


nokkynuk t1_j9jnaao wrote

What on gods green flat earth did you do. My poor neck.


OKishGuy t1_j9k476e wrote

Now I understand why headphones are also called "cans"!


renerem t1_j9llzxv wrote

Well, a closed back HD650 or HD600 is the dream of many people out there, but I guess your dream turned out to be a nightmare xD